How Michelle Pfeiffer Became “Unhireable” and What Led to Her Comeback

If you spent a few years wondering when Michelle Pfeiffer would return to the silver screen, fear no more, because the actress is more than making up for her acting hiatus.

In this year alone, the Murder on the Orient Express (in theaters Nov. 10) actress has also appeared in Mother!Where Is Kyra?, and the HBO TV movie Wizard of Lies, and we’re loving the treat of seeing her in her element again. Pfeiffer has been vocal about her break from work before, but in a new Today interview on Thursday, she further explained her return, saying that at one point she became fully “unhireable” when she was trying to balance the demands of acting with being a mother to her two children.

“The older the kids got, it became more and more difficult to say ‘yes.’ I became pickier and pickier: ‘Well, where does it shoot? When does it shoot? How long will I be away?'” Pfeiffer said. “And at some point, I became unhireable. That was really the real reason why I hadn’t worked.”

Both her kids are now in their early 20s, and as they grew up and started applying to colleges, Pfeiffer felt more equipped to take on acting projects without any fear or worry.

“It feels really good, because I don’t feel that guilt anymore, [that] working moms feel—you can relate. No matter what profession you’re in there’s that tug,” she said. “It doesn’t even matter if you’re not a working mom—if you’re out doing something with your friends, you sort of feel this guilt that you should always be with them. I am relieved of that, so in some ways it’s more fun.”

We are so happy to see her back in action on our TV and movie screens. If you want to see her too, check out Murder on the Orient Express starting Nov. 10.

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