Hunter Biden is a CON Artist

Hunter Biden Art

After being involved in drug cases and lying on his gun application… Hunter Biden is now living his new life as a full-time ‘artist’.

He’s currently charging anywhere from $75,000 – $500,000 for his artwork, too much for someone with no professional art experience. 

If you thought that you’d be able to find out who is wasting their money on this, then guess again because the White House also crafted an agreement to keep the buyers confidential. They’re claiming that this will solve any ethical concerns… when in reality it looks even more unethical. 

Right now, Hunter Biden is sounding more and more like a “con artist.”

Richard Painter – George W. Bush’s former ethics attorney – shared his thoughts on Hunter Biden’s schemes. During an interview on Fox News, he pointed out the three things that make his art business so suspicious.

First, Hunter Biden makes more than enough money with his Ukrainian gas company, second, the price is extraordinarily high for someone who doesn’t have an established reputation as an artist, nor the need for such obscene quantities of money.

Third, buyers should NOT be kept secret. Everyone should know who the buyers are to make sure that senior administration officials aren’t doing any favors for those buyers.

Painter ended his statement by saying, “The one thing that you don’t want to do in the ethics arena is [to] keep something secret. [You should] have all the cards on the table. And if he’s gonna sell the art… which I don’t think he should be doing, people should know who the buyers are.”

Hunter Biden’s “art business” is looking more and more suspicious, and it’s not like he had credible character to begin with…

People don’t really want to buy artwork from a drug addict, they just want access to his father’s power.

The “art” that we are discussing is not pictures on canvas, but rather the art of “money laundering.” 

Works of art have long been identified as an ideal way for racketeers to launder money… and Hunter Biden is doing a great job abusing his power. 

This leaves us with one looming question: Are the mainstream media and the White House covering for Hunter Biden? 

We all know that Hunter Biden lied on his gun application a few months ago. Technically, he already committed a felony offense… but Congress didn’t take any action to investigate the complaint about him. 

Hunter Biden may be getting some special treatment… but not from President Trump.

This July, our president exposed Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”

According to the Daily Mail, a series of salacious findings surfaced on Hunter Biden’s laptop… including strong evidence of his drug use and legal scandal.

Evidence containing numerous accounts of criminal activity that the mainstream media ‘failed to disclose’ to us.

President Trump said, “The laptop from hell… there’s more criminal activity on that laptop than Al Capone [would have] had if he had a laptop. He was a baby compared to what I was able to see.”

Hunter Biden can thank his family name for avoiding severe punishment with relative ease. From giving puff piece interviews about his addiction to his supposed interest in painting… while facing no real pressure from reporters on the more serious accusations.

Looks like there’s someone else being babied right now aside from Joe Biden… and it’s not looking good at all.

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15 Thoughts to “Hunter Biden is a CON Artist”

  1. Brenda Keefer

    This con man crack head and totalitarian needs imprisonment like his Chinese sell out father ! It’s obvious he is helping his commie front father laundry millions or billions. And any Republican that does not take them to task is a traitor. Renegade

  2. Rocco48

    Isn’t George Bush an artist now also? Did he show hunter the ropes? Appears that rinos and the left working in concert weaponizing the other branches in corruption cover-up, and citizen deceit?

  3. Nancy Portia Barberis

    hunter Biden is a Fraud and a criminal

  4. audrey

    if this man were my son he would have been in jail with the key thrown away years ago….this is pure trailer trash and teift at its best…………he has smeared the art world with his nonsense……and with respsect to legitimate artists this movement is a great insult. we know it is a ploy to gain funds from people for favors his senile trailer trash old man can do for the buyers…….so dump it all in the garbage along with the bidens……PERIOD.

  5. johnny mac brown

    They are all corrupt..Everyone knows it.
    The ones with the power and authority to do something about it are even worse.

  6. rosalie santarlas

    I stopped commenting months ago, because it didn’t make any difference what I or anyone else had to say mattered to the left, the right, or anyone else. the corruption just keeps continues on & on. This administration and MANY OF the republicans continue to get their palms greased by the monster George Soros and the Big Tech industry. We are on the path of destruction because of the MORONS leading our beautiful FREE country into the swamp. They could not do enough to TORMENT a true American Patriot, our President TRUMP, because they would lose their power to rule us all like sheep. I could go on & on, but IT
    WILL NEVER STOP until the swamp is gone. AMERICANS NEED TO PAY ATTENTION AND GET THE IDIOTS LEADING US INTO BEING A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY prosecuted and thrown in jail with all the rest of the morons!!!!

    ‘ & STEAL

  7. linda harrison

    Hunter and Joe are about to see jail time BYE BYE ASS HOLES and the communist party sitting in our white house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to be lined up and shot in the streets with their families watching just in case they are thinking of doing the same thing. We won’t cover up what’s about to happen to them. this is what treason gets you. FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  8. Dan Dornack

    The Democrat Party as a whole are as corrupt as the day is long! They have no interest in serving the United States the way it should be served and that is with honesty and love of country!
    Treason is a capital offense and should be dealt with a unbiased thorough investigation including all involved! I feel that there would be a lot less people in our governing sector if this would come to pass!

  9. Ronald Meek

    When all is said about the corruption we are witnessing, there might be one bit of good news that old josey boy may not be racist as he is not living in the WHITE HOUSE! Renaming to WHITE HOUSE to the PRESIDENTIAL RESIDENCE might entice him to habitate it . However with all the DIRTY BUGS THAT INFEST him , A GOOD EXTERMINATION WOULD BE NECESSARY UPON his EXPULSION!

  10. Michael Mitchell

    He should be in prison and sharing a cell with his father Sleazy Joe, the head of the Biden crime family.

  11. Md

    Hunter will never face any court for his crimes. Republicans needs to get with the program and start having a backbone. With republicans in charge may not help out with anything right now. At this point your king biden knows america hates him and now it will just be punishment for we the people. Get ready for much worse to come

  12. Donald

    The lawlessness of the Democrat Party including their disregard for the Constitution is going to catch up to them like the proverbial “House of Cards”. Over the last decades they have infiltrated our government, policing departments like the DOJ, FBI, DHS and NSA to the point that there are now too many loose ends. Perhaps the most obvious loose end is Hunter Biden whose many illegal escapades are slowly being unearthed. He is an obvious target to be apprehended for several of his illegal actions with the most obvious being his lies on his gun purchase application. Anyone else would have already been prosecuted for this offense alone.

    What the Democrats know is that Hunter and other weak minded members of their unconstitutional grab for control of America are weak links in their treasons. The Leftist in control of the Democrat Party know that they have weak links. That there are a growing number of them that simply know too much and like Hunter must be protected at all cost. So Hunter walks free for now, protected by those in power who know that their house of cards is starting to shake. That the 2024 elections may bring their whole house down as the weak links are finally brought to justice and seek deals for leniency in exchange for testimony against their leaders. The weakest links in their “House of Cards” will eventually collapse and bring the “House” down. Hunter is a prime example of one who simply knows too much to be apprehended by those who have the duty arrest him. So, for now, he pretends to be a meaningful artist, but he is smart enough to be looking over his shoulder for those that want to bring the “House of Cards down, as well as for those that want to protect their shaking “House”.

  13. Theresa Marshall

    Praise the Lord and pass out the ammunition we the people have spoken God Bless America

  14. Anthony H Popp

    It’s true Hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden which happens to be the President of the United States are both con artists they are corrupt crooks and what they are doing as far as I’m concerned is treason they are selling out America and it needs to be stopped immediately he can’t be President of the United States if he’s in prison now Kelly

  15. Ted


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