On the list of beauty tasks I perform on a regular basis, shaving weighs in as one of my least favorites. When it comes to spending a little extra time on my hair with a deep conditioner, kicking my feet up for 20 minutes to use a sheet mask or even taking the time to apply and dry self-tanning products, I’m more than willing, but shaving is always a chore. Thanks to Nair, I was given a new hybrid product, a Nair Leg Mask, that’s part hair remover, part skin-care product, and I quickly jumped at the opportunity to try it. After all, I love masking my face and hair — I even enjoy the occasional foot and hand mask — so why not a leg one?

I camped out in my bathroom and began applying the mask as directed — onto dry skin, leaving a thick layer of product to work its magic. The packaging advises leaving it on for five to ten minutes, but this wasn’t my first Nair rodeo; I knew my hair would require the maximum time allotted. I put on some music, grabbed my phone and proceeded to scroll through Instagram for the remainder of the time.

Based on other hair-removing products I’ve tried, I was worried that I was in for 10 minutes of burning and tingling sensations, but was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t experience either. Once the time was up, I did as I was told (per the packaging) and wiped away the product with a damp washcloth. After closer inspection (as in, I sat in my shower examining my legs to see how it worked) I noticed my stubble was gone and my legs did in fact look brighter. They were smooth to touch and surprisingly hydrated even though I opted for the detoxing formula.

My final thoughts: Leg masks are a thing and I’m totally here for it. If I may share a little insider tip, I recommend hopping in the shower or at bare minimum, rinsing off, when you’re done with the mask to ensure you remove all of the product. It can be a little cumbersome to do so with just a washcloth alone.

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