Independents and Latinos Unite for Republicans

More and more Republicans are finding success with Independent and Latino voters for the upcoming midterm elections. What is the reason for this surge in support from these groups? Could it be that Republican values resonate with a broader group of people?

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the Republican party is gaining momentum. This is a pivotal moment for the party… and they are poised to make significant gains in the upcoming elections.

GOP Candidates Leading Among Independent Voters

According to a poll in the crucial battleground state, Republicans are leading in Wisconsin’s key midterm races among Independent voters. The survey indicates that:

  • Conservative Sen. Ron Johnson has a five-point edge (51% to 46%)… over Democratic opponent Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. Johnson secured a 10-point lead over Barnes among likely Independent voters
  • Republican nominee Tim Michels is leading against Democratic Gov. Tony Evers (50% to 47%)… with a seven-point lead among Independents
  • Republicans are leading on the generic congressional ballot in Wisconsin… with 50% support over the Democrats’ 45% support
  • Among Independent respondents, the GOP was the preferred party to 49%… while only 39% in the state plan to vote Democrat this fall
  • President Donald Trump received a higher approval rating than Joe Biden (48% to 45%)

Moreover, Fox News Power Rankings reported the Democrats are building momentum for the midterms. However, GOP still has the advantage. This scaling looks toward candidates in nine House races and two key Senate races. Moreover, the GOP makes gains in the Georgia and Oregon governor races.

They reported our patriot leader’s advantage over the dems. Fox said, “Republicans can expect a 13-seat majority in the latest House forecast (a total of 231 seats)… leaving the Democrats with a 14-seat deficit (204 seats). These numbers reflect a shift of three seats away from the GOP since August. 

Then Fox added, “While the trend line favors Democrats, 13 seats means the Republicans would hold a comfortable governing majority. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy will want to keep that figure in the double digits as election day approaches.”

The Independent vote is the crest of the Red Wave. This wave of support for conservative candidates is coming from Independents. Their vote is the difference maker in close elections. And, it’s a trend that’s only growing.

Dems Lose Ground to Republicans With Latino Voters

Aside from Independents, the liberals also lost significant ground to Republicans among Latino voters. 

NBC News and Telemundo surveyed 1,000 Latino registered voters. They found that:

  • 33% of Latino voters said they prefer Republicans to take control of Congress in November
  • Latino voters also prefer Republicans over Democrats regarding the economy, border security, and crime
  • In contrast, Latino voters prefer Democrats in their handling of abortion and addressing concerns of the Hispanic community

Aileen Cardona-Arroyo, who helped conduct the survey, told NBC News, “While Latinos continue to lean toward the Democratic Party and prefer Democratic control of Congress… Republicans have a higher share of the vote than we’ve measured previously.”

Republicans are receiving more support from Independent and Latino voters than ever before. They prove they are the party for everyone, not just the conservative base. Let’s hope that our party gains more support so we can take back our country.

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