Is Your Family Really Safe?

Can you Survive the FIRST 72 HOURS?

Disaster can strike anywhere, any time.

Everyone knows that, but very few take the next, necessary step…

They think disasters are something that happens to other people, not something you have to personally be ready for.

The fact is, refusing to prepare for the worst case scenario does nothing except make that scenario worse.

Having a survival kit isn’t over the top… it doesn’t mean you’re paranoid… it means you’re taking a simple, necessary step to ensure your family’s safety.

It’s like having a smoke detector… you hope it’ll never be necessary, but it makes all the difference if you ever need it.

There’s just one problem…

And it’s expensive whenever you find something that can genuinely make a difference…

That’s why I’m here. I believe that every American patriot deserves the chance to do everything they can to protect their family… 

So I’m offering you a chance to win an all-American survival kit, with everything you need to keep your family safe for the turbulent 72 hours after disaster strikes!

There’s just one thing you need to do:

Answer this simple question, and you’ll be entered into this exclusive prize draw!

Will you continue to support President Trump?

How important is being “survival ready” to you and your family?

Time to enter into the contest for the survival pack ($300 value) giveaway! Please enter your email address and phone number (optional). You will be notified if you are the winner by email or phone (if provided).

Enter a valid email address

Enter your first name

Enter a valid phone number

Before you enter, there’s one question you might have…

What’s in this kit?

If you’re asking that, you’re already in a far better place than most Americans today… you’re willing to question what you’re told…

And do whatever it takes to keep your family safe.

Good news, then… when I said this kit had everything you need, I meant it.

If you win, your kit will be delivered inside a heavy-duty, ultra-portable backpack. Open it up, and you’ll find the following: 

  • A fully stocked First Aid Kit to sterilise and treat minor injuries
  • A long-life LED lantern plus 8 snaplights for effective lumination
  • 2 InstaFire tinder fire starter packs plus a ferrocerium rod for firestarting
  • 2 bath wipes for your personal hygiene
  • 4 emergency blankets to keep you warm throughout the night

And, in case of emergencies… 

  • 2 whistles and a reliable knife.

Alongside the survival essentials above, the kit is packed with something that many forget to stock… all the food and water you and your family need to make it through 72 hours:

  • 24 servings of quality freeze-dried food
  • 48 packets of pure, long-life water
  • 4 specially-designed water purification straws
  • 4 collapsable bowls (plus eating utensils)
  • And an easy to use portable stove for food prep

Like I said…

Exactly what you need to survive a disaster… no matter what kind.

Ready for your chance to win? Again, there’s just one step you need to take. Just answer the following questions and you’ll be entered automatically!

Will you continue to support President Trump?

How important is being “survival ready” to you and your family?

Time to enter into the contest for the survival pack ($300 value) giveaway! Please enter your email address and phone number (optional). You will be notified if you are the winner by email or phone (if provided).

Enter a valid email address

Enter your first name

Enter a valid phone number