Kamala Harris is STILL Ignoring The Border Crisis

Kamala Harris still refuses to visit the southern border, despite the growing numbers of illegal migrants and increased criticisms she’s receiving from House Republicans.

Henry Cuellar (D-TX) invited Harris to visit his district and meet with people on the ground who are handling the border crisis daily so that they could get a better understanding of what is happening.

“The situation on the border will only worsen,” Cuellar told Harris in a letter inviting her to the border to assess the situation firsthand. And when a dem’s admitting that, you know how bad it really is.

Harris said in an interview that she was planning to visit the border, but failed to mention any date as to when… so don’t expect her anytime soon.

Harris is clearly not prepared to take on a task as large as solving the migrant issue and doesn’t want her actions to fail the Biden administration-which let’s face it, they have their own face to save.  

Harris continues to skirt around the issues at hand, making claims that she is working to deal with the ‘root cause’. 

But how can she fully understand the gravity of the border crisis, and conduct talks accordingly with other countries without seeing the problems firsthand?

The White House continues to push the idea that Harris is not directly in charge of border control, but that she is tasked with addressing the reasons that migrants are leaving their home countries… 

Which is another way of saying that she has no plans to mitigate the growing disaster happening in our border states.  

There is a glaringly obvious crisis happening in states like Texas and California, which are struggling to keep up with the growing number of illegal immigrants who are crossing the border, most of whom are not here with good intentions.  

And all she has to say is that these immigrants should just not come here… because that is going to stop them. 

These border states have stepped up and asked their fellow patriots across the country to send help, to which Florida has been the first to respond by sending law enforcement power to assist with the damage control.  

Florida’s Attorney General Ashley Moody is leading the charge encouraging other states to send emergency aid, saying that “We’re doing it not only to help protect America, we’re doing it to [stem the] tide of violence and drugs into our state of Florida”.  

Solving this core problem might help in the long run, but there is a major crisis happening right now at our borders that is threatening the safety of American families.  

Let’s hope to see some action taken soon, but considering the current pace of the Biden Administrations’ actions, who knows how long it will actually be.  

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9 Thoughts to “Kamala Harris is STILL Ignoring The Border Crisis”

  1. george

    Impeach Biden and Harris will be top dog. That is just as bad or worse, but for different reasons.

  2. Richard Bridwell

    All the states need to come together and pay for the wall. What Biden did was wrong but the.states have the power to build the wall for the states security. Illegals will cause a problem nation wide and states have the power to stop it, it’s called the 10th amendment.

  3. John J

    This do nothing loser lives shows exactly useless blacks are

  4. Wilddog

    The only thing Harris is good for is making porno movies, her specialty.

  5. Zepher Zipping

    The boarder is there only hope to fraudulently invest in illegals to vote for democrats ! Or be deported , lies are the democratic ways it’s inline with the lies of the devil .

  6. Sylvia

    So sad. It would have been a great opportunity for the Vice President to prove herself to America but she has failed miserably.

  7. Carrie Stine

    Please 25th and impeach Biden and Harris now. Than Nancy. Obama. Clinton. Hunter.jil.uncle all terrorists in our white house and America politics. Please get them our before we have war.thats what they want

  8. Michael

    She was a looser from day 1 !! Our open BORDERS, are all for Democraps illegal voting using illegals with threats of deportation !!
    If ANYONE, from another country wants to come here, There are LEGAL WAYS to come here !! #FINISHTHEWALL

  9. Jerry

    The gop has from day one how stupid BIDEN AND HARRIS are they need to take action now and remove both of them from office.we are going to be in another war or the country will be broke and it will be no AMERICA!!!! IT’S ASHAME THE GOP HAS LET THESE TWO DUMB ASSES RUINED THIS COUNTRY PLACE HARDSHIPS ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

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