McCarthy Exposes Biden’s “Fair Share Tax”

The dems keep saying that their “fair share tax” will help the middle class live a more comfortable life. Unfortunately, this is just another BIG lie that the Biden administration promised us.

In reality, Biden only pushes for tax hikes to fund his radical spending agenda…

Biden shared his statement before in his Presidential Address to Congress. He said, “I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than $400,000. But it’s time for corporate America… and the wealthiest 1% of Americans begin to pay their fair share. We’re going to reform corporate taxes to pay their fair share and help pay for the public investments. Their businesses will benefit as well.”

Then he added, “I’m not going to punish anybody. But I will not have an additional tax burden on the middle classes in this country. They’re already paying enough. I believe what I propose is fair and fiscally responsible. It raises revenue to pay for the plans I propose… and it will create millions of jobs that will grow the economy.”

He even tweeted that he’s sick and tired of “giant corporations” not paying their taxes. He’s doing that to make himself appear like he’s concerned with the state of the American economy. 

But let’s not forget that Biden caused this inflation we’re experiencing right now. He’s politically motivated and will use the tax hike to support his massive spending plan. 

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy exposed Biden’s intentions during an interview with Newsmax. 

The show’s host Sean Spicer asked McCarthy why Biden’s promise of helping the middle class with his “fair share tax” is not valid.

McCarthy pinpointed the hypocrisy of Biden’s tax law. He said, “It’s just not true in every end because one thing you’ll find is… he lied about that he wouldn’t raise taxes on those who have a lower income than 400,000. We now find from the majority taxation that $30,000 being earned, you get your taxes raised. He’s creating greater inflation.” This demo-rat is only further ruining our economy that’s not in a good condition as it is…

Businesses in America are also going to be in a massive pinch because of Biden’s tax hike. “You know who wins in this tax bill? China. The global minimum tax is going to make companies in America leave [the country]… because it’s a tax advantage to be somewhere else.” McCarthy said as he pointed out the bigger picture on the future business landscape of America…

Biden said before that he “isn’t punishing anyone” out there. But from the looks of it right now, he’s only playing favorites. McCarthy also mentioned, “He punishes the businesses that he dislikes to move to someplace that he does. So, if you are the creator of energy, you make America’s energy independent. He punishes you. But if you make $800,000, he rewards you for buying Tesla and sending your child to Yale.” said McCarthy.

We’ve also seen how Biden protects his son with all his power. Are we sure that he’s planning on taxing Hunter’s art business with his tax hike? Most likely not…

First, the administration caused us to feel the inflation. Now, they want to increase taxes… pretending that it will benefit the middle class. 

Our patriots are already aware of the liberal’s incompetence. They’ve had enough of their lies and empty promises…

House Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy Assists leadership in managing party’s legislative program, LOCATION: Center Steps outside HC-5, U.S. Capitol, Photo by: Lingjing Bao, July 10th, 2012, Talk Radio News, Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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