McCarthy Wants to Win More Seats for Republicans in the House in 2024

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been a strong advocate for the Republican Party. He has been actively working to make the House a more welcoming place for conservatives. 

As one of the highest-ranking Republicans in the House, McCarthy has taken on the challenge of promoting conservative principles… and ensuring that the Republican agenda is given a fair hearing. 

McCarthy to Expand House GOP Majority

Republicans in the House of Representatives want to win the 2024 elections to keep their majority. To do this, they need funding to run their campaigns.   

The leader of the House Republicans, Kevin McCarthy, recently held a large fundraiser and collected $12 million. Last year, he helped Republicans win the majority by collecting $150 million.

The House Republicans have a small majority of 10 seats… which means they could lose their power if they don’t win more seats in 2024. McCarthy wants to ensure they win more seats and can pass their laws. To do this, he is helping to raise money for some Republicans who are facing tough re-elections.

McCarthy believes that Republicans did well in the last election… and that they only need to find good candidates and stick to their message. 

However, Democrats disagree. They say that Republicans are not focused on important issues to voters. They also believe that Republicans are only interested in playing politics.

Despite the differences between the two parties… the House Republicans are working hard to keep their majority… and pass laws that they think are important.

McCarthy Launches “Protect the House 2024”

Moreover, McCarthy has formed a fundraising committee called Protect The House 2024. It aims to: 

  • Raise funds for the Republican Party to maintain
  • Grow its majority in the House of Representatives in the upcoming elections in 2024

The committee includes the National Republican Congressional Committee, 20 state parties, and 30 incumbent Republican members of the House.

The 30 incumbent Republicans in the committee won the closest races in the 2022 election cycle… and the state parties represent many battlegrounds that will decide the majority in 2024. Kevin McCarthy and his team aim to raise resources early to combat the liberal money machine. They spent $500 million on behalf of the House GOP candidates in the 2022 cycle. 

McCarthy personally raised a record $150 million. He also campaigned with Republican candidates in 47 of the 50 states.

Republicans controlled the House for eight years before Democrats won back the chamber in the 2018 midterms. In the 2020 elections, the GOP surprised many by winning many seats from the Democrats. 

The GOP captured the majority in the 2022 elections but didn’t achieve a red wave. They currently have a fragile 222-212 majority, with one vacant seat. 

In response to the announcement, a spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee criticized Kevin McCarthy… for not having a plan to improve the lives of everyday families.

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