Michael Flynn Deserved A Pardon – Here’s Why

If you turned on the news over Thanksgiving, you’ll have heard about the latest pardons issued by President Trump.

It wasn’t just the traditional Thanksgiving turkey pardon – Trump gave a complete pardon to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, following the planned dropping of charges he’d previously pled guilty to.

Despite the rage this move inspired in the liberal media, the fact is that Flynn’s pardon is completely deserved – here’s why.

First of all, some background. Infamously, Flynn was the only person convicted after the years of baseless Russia investigations. After being pressured in an FBI interview, Flynn was accused of having misled the FBI.

Following this accusation, Flynn immediately started cooperating with various investigations, eventually pleading guilty to the charges of misleading the FBI. Sounds basic enough, right?

It’s not quite as simple as they want you to think.

Wondering what Flynn actually said to the FBI?

Here’s the quote, once they asked Flynn if he’d asked a Russian ambassador to hold off on a UN vote: “Not really. I don’t remember. It wasn’t, ‘Don’t do anything’”.

Does that sound misleading to you? Do you think that’s enough of a lie to be a federal crime?

It definitely doesn’t seem that way to me. I think it’s pretty clear that Flynn said nothing wrong, unless you think not being able to remember something is a crime…

And if you think it is, Joe Biden had better watch out – he can barely even remember what year it is.

That’s likely why the Justice Department decided to drop the charges against Flynn – there’s clearly no real wrongdoing, and the second he was accused, he immediately did everything he could to cooperate with them… even pleading guilty the second they asked him to.

Secondly, even if Flynn had lied to the FBI, there really wouldn’t be a problem. Asking an ambassador to vote in a certain way isn’t a crime…

It’s the basis for international diplomacy.

Liberals want you to think that it’s somehow wrong to build better relations with Russia. That’s really all that the absurd ‘Russiagate’ investigations boil down to – as well as all the criticism about Trump’s North Korea policy.

Creating new links with traditionally closed-off countries like North Korea and Russia is an incredible achievement – it’s one of the greatest changes of the Trump presidency.

It’s also a complex political area, where secrecy is unimaginably important… not exactly something that every FBI agent needs to know the full details about.

In other words, Michael Flynn did nothing wrong, and his pardon just speeds up the exoneration that was already in progress.

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One Thought to “Michael Flynn Deserved A Pardon – Here’s Why”

  1. Dawn Doran

    He fought the wars and got his medal for bravery….So, why did Hillary get away from her dirty crimes and especially Benghazi…Whjy was Joe Biden allow to be president for his Dementia and getting money from China and his son as well?…

    I do believe, that Flynn deserves to be PARSON..

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