Musk to Liberate Suspended Twitter Accounts and Expose Hunter Biden

Twitter CEO Elon Musk continues to agitate the dems after buying the company. Right now, most of Twitter’s activities are hurting the left even more…

Dems Want FTC to Investigate Twitter

Seven dem senators have sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission urging an investigation into Twitter. It alleges that the company has shown:

  • “Serious, willful disregard for the safety and security of its users,” and
  • It has “taken alarming steps that have undermined the integrity and safety of the platform”

The senators raised concerns related to cybersecurity, fraud, and scams. They are accusing Twitter of violating its consent decree with the FTC.

The dem senators who signed the letter for Twitter’s FTC investigation are: 

  • Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut
  • Dianne Feinstein of California
  • Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico
  • Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  • Edward Markey of Massachusetts
  • Cory Booker of New Jersey
  • Robert Menendez of New Jersey

Musk completed his $44 billion purchase of Twitter in late October. He made significant changes at the social media company, such as:

  • Including laying off 50% of its workforce
  • Launching a verification badge users can purchase for $8 per month

Earlier in November, the FTC said it was “tracking recent developments at Twitter with deep concern.”

“No CEO or company is above the law, and companies must follow our consent decrees,” the FTC’s statement at the time said. “Our revised consent order gives us new tools to ensure compliance, and we are prepared to use them.”

Musk to Liberate Suspended Accounts 

Musk said Twitter would offer “amnesty” to suspended accounts next week. This will allow them to be reinstated if they have not broken the law or engaged in spam.

“The people have spoken. Amnesty begins next week,” Musk tweeted, adding: “Vox Populi, Vox Dei,” a Latin phrase meaning the “voice of the people is the voice of God.” 

The decision comes after a poll in which 72.4% of respondents voted in favor of the measure. Users voted in the affirmative, with more than 3 million respondents.  

When you buy a business, you can change it any way you want. Musk is just doing his privilege as a business owner.

Musk has previously weighed in on who should and shouldn’t be allowed on Twitter. He has also been an outspoken critic of the platform’s content moderation policies.

So once he gets rid of the progressive fake accounts, we will have real people who want to hear both sides of an argument.

Musk to Release Details on Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Last November, Elon Musk teased that he might release more information on how the social media company censored the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 presidential election.

Many users agreed with the Twitter CEO’s call for transparency… with some replying with raised hand emojis.

Musk believes that in order to make Twitter a true beacon of free speech. He must first restore public trust. He said, “This is necessary to restore public trust.”

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2 Thoughts to “Musk to Liberate Suspended Twitter Accounts and Expose Hunter Biden”

  1. […] CEO Elon Musk continues to trust to improve Twitter. Acquiring the robust platform is only a part of his master plan. He laid out a trajectory to add […]

  2. […] FBI, the DOJ, and the administration have protected Hunter Biden from facing any consequences for his illegal […]

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