New Jersey Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against State’s Gun Control Law

Gun control continues to worsen in New Jersey…

The Star-Ledger, a major paper in the state, uses its authority to strip our gun rights. They recently published an editorial claiming that: 

  • The Second Amendment is a “curse” 
  • Americans who support owning firearms for self-defense are indulging in a “fanatical interpretation” 

The piece argued that while pro-Second Amendment lawsuits make it harder for New Jersey to pass gun control… hundreds of people are shot daily across the US. 

Meanwhile, America continues to suffer from violence due to laws on firearm ownership. According to research from The Star-Ledger board, more than 400 million firearms flood the streets… with nearly 49,000 people killed by guns each year.

New Jersey Governor Signs New Gun Law

Dem Gov. Phil Murphy introduced legislation that restricts concealed carry. Under this new law, concealed carry is not allowed in “high-density” locations such as: 

  • Places with vulnerable populations
  • Where there is First Amendment or government activity 

Meanwhile, exceptions are made for law enforcement and security guards. 

Murphy said, “Today’s bill signing is the culmination of months of negotiations between this Administration and our partners in the Legislature…. delivering on my promise this summer to keep New Jersey safe in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s awful decision.”

“While I strongly disagree with that decision, we must abide by it. Today’s law fully respects the Second Amendment… while keeping guns out of the wrong hands… and preventing them from increasing in our communities. I am proud to sign this commonsense legislation prohibiting carrying guns in sensitive places. [This includes] our daycares, hospitals, libraries, and stadiums.”

In response, National Riffle Association filed a lawsuit against the state titled Siegel v Platkin. It alleges that this bill does not stand up to constitutional scrutiny.

The NRA said, “This new law makes it essentially impossible for a law-abiding citizen to obtain a concealed carry permit.”

Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against New Jersey Gun Control Law

US District Court Judge Renee Marie Bumb – a George W. Bush appointee – issued a temporary restraining order against portions of New Jersey’s new gun control law… which restricted the carrying of firearms in “sensitive locations.” 

Bumb wrote, “Plaintiffs can no longer exercise this right by carrying their firearms at locations they were accustomed to visiting in their day-to-day lives… and in ways law-abiding gun owners routinely do. Additionally, if they were to do so, Plaintiffs would face an ‘imminent’ threat of prosecution… which the State acknowledged at oral argument.”

The court found that restricting citizen’s gun rights would deprive them of self-defense. They also criticized the state for not showing how concealed carry permit holders threaten public safety.

Gun rights groups welcomed the decision. However, Gov. Murphy expressed disappointment… and said his office is working with Attorney General’s Office to reinstate the law.

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