Section 230 – The Facts

You’ve probably heard a lot about Section 230… it’s one of the pieces of regulation that President Trump has opposed over and over again. Despite that, no one’s really taking the time to explain what the regulation is – or what it means for you. Here’s the facts about Section 230 – and why President Trump is against it. Section 230 is all about protecting social media sites and other online publications from prosecution… it makes them immune to prosecution for anything that gets posted on there – no matter…

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Biden Abandons $2000 Checks

We told you so. Just over a week after outright promising that every American would get the $2000 checks President Trump fought for, Joe Biden has changed his mind, coming in with a lowball offer… Here’s what Biden’s pushing for now – and why it’s nowhere near good enough. Days before the Georgia senate runoffs, Biden made it very clear that he agreed with President Trump… $600 checks are nowhere near enough to benefit the millions of Americans suffering because of the pandemic. In fact, he made a promise… If…

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Joe Manchin Refuses to Help

Wondering what happened to that $2000 check? Despite President Trump pushing for it, and Biden’s claim that the checks would be going out ASAP if dems won in Georgia, there’s still every chance that you’ll end up not getting the check… Why? Just ask dem senator Joe Manchin. Just days after the Georgia election, Manchin decided to announce that he was opposed to sending out the checks, to giving the average American some real relief in this unprecedented time… In fact, Mancin, worth an estimated $5 million doesn’t think you…

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Trump Was Right to Condemn Capitol Rioters

In one of the most down-to-earth speeches of his political career, President Trump condemned the rioters who stormed the Capitol just a few days ago. Despite the objections of some, Trump was completely right to condemn the ‘protestors’ and the chaos they caused… Here’s what the President had to say – and why he was right to say it:  It’s a scene that no-one could have imagined – right up until it happened. Rioters and looters breaking into the heart of one of America’s most important buildings, threatening congress, stealing…

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Why Capitol Rioters Hate Real Republicans

Don’t be fooled by the flags… The cowards behind yesterday’s attack on the Capitol don’t care about the election, about Trump, or about you.  For years, they’ve been trying to take over the Republican party – it’s time to fight back. When rioters stormed the Capitol yesterday, they claimed to be on President Trump’s side. They weren’t. They despise everything positive that Trump has ever stood for – they’ve always just seen him as a way to take power. Right from the start they recognized how much Trump was shaking…

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