Republicans Are Taking Back the House and Senate?

The midterm elections have come and gone. According to experts, the GOP is now favored to take the House and Senate.  This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention… but it’s nonetheless an encouraging sign for the future of our country.  GOP Now Favored to Take House and Senate, Experts, and Polls Say Fox News Power Rankings predicts Republicans will take control of the House. While several political experts concluded that the GOP will take control of the House and Senate: Josh Kraushaar believes…

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Biden Claims He’s Able to Reduce Inflation

Under Biden’s leadership, inflation has gotten worse. This makes everyday Americans suffer as the cost of living increases. While the government tells us that the economy is improving… we know the reality is very different. Things are only getting worse, and it’s time for a change. His policies have increased prices, making it difficult for us to make ends meet. We need a leader who will get our economy back on track, and that’s not Biden. Biden Thinks He’s Solving Inflation Biden claimed that prices for goods are approaching pre-pandemic…

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Dems Get One Step Closer to Legalizing Abortion

The dems are gaining momentum towards legalizing abortion. Everyone knows abortion is murder, and we cannot let it be legalized. We must not let them cross this line. This is something we must fight against.  The Republican party believes every life is valuable, including the unborn. We have to put a stop to this before it’s too late. The liberals’ actions cannot be tolerated. Dems Want to Give Administration $100 Million to Promote Abortion Access House Democrats proposed a bill to give the Department of Health and Human Services $20…

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Biden and Mayorkas Slammed for Continuously Ignoring the Border

The dems continue to ignore the border crisis. They’re more worried about their political agendas… than they are about the safety and security of our country.  It seems the borders mean nothing to them. They don’t care about the people trying to enter our country illegally. All they care about is themselves. Dems Remain Idle at the Border The dems are napping through the border crisis they started. Meanwhile, criminal organizations profit from smuggling illegal aliens into the US. According to Fox News: Border Patrol apprehensions have increased 377% under…

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Conservatives Increase Their Followers on Twitter Because of Musk’s Acquisition

Elon Musk has officially purchased Twitter, despite the dems’ opposition. Musk plans on using the platform to promote free speech… which could result in some big changes for the site.  This news surprises many, but it will be interesting to see what Musk does with his new purchase. Elon Musk Officially Owns Twitter Elon Musk took control of Twitter and fired its top executives. This puts one of the leading platforms for global discourse in the hands of the world’s richest man. It was reported that Musk fired the following…

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