Uber Stock Finally Surpasses Its IPO Price as Stock Market Soars for Second Straight Day

Uber stock had a rough May, when it opened at $45 per share only to watch its value fall on the first day of trading. One month later, bullish analysts have helped the stock rebound, and today it rose above its IPO price for the first time (reaching $45.66 per share) before closing at $45 once more. The stock market was strong overall for the second straight day despite reports earlier in the week about possible Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission investigations into tech giants like Facebook, Alphabet Inc., and Amazon. The Entrepreneur Index™ rose…

Wynn Resorts and Tesla Post Big Gains as Fed Chairman’s Comments Buoy Stock Market

Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Jerome Powell said today that the Fed “will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion” of the economy. The market is currently pricing in two cuts in interest rates by the Fed before year-end. Powell’s message along with encouraging comments from Chinese and Mexican officials about reaching trade deals with the U.S. put a charge in stock prices today. The Nasdaq Composite index was up 2.65 percent after a sharp drop yesterday. The Dow and S&P 500 indexes were up 2.06 percent and 2.14 percent respectively.…

FAANG Stocks Fall as Reports of Government Investigations Scare Investors

The internet heavyweights were all down sharply as various media reported that the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission were planning to launch investigations of the companies. Facebook was down 7.51 percent, Alphabet Inc.(parent of Google) fell 6.11 percent and Amazon.com dropped 4.62 percent. Netflix, not under government scrutiny, was down a more modest 1.94 percent. The rout in tech stocks led to a 2.04 percent loss for the Entrepreneur Index™. The Nasdaq composite index was also down 1.61 percent. The Dow with a late surge gained 0.02 percent while the S&P 500 index fell 0.28 percent. Other…

President Trump’s New Tariff Threat Hurts Stock Prices

Stock prices were down sharply after the President, a self-described “tariff man,” threatened via Twitter to impose a five percent tariff on all imports from Mexico unless “the illegal immigration problem is remedied.” The White House later issued a statement saying that unless Mexico “substantially stops” the number of illegal entrants across the southern border, the tariff would increase to 25 percent by October. The Dow index was down 1.41 percent while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq composite indexes fell 1.32 percent and 1.51 percent respectively. The Entrepreneur Index™closed the day 1.55 percent…

Treasury Bond Prices Jump While Stock Prices Fall

Investors continue to flock to the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds as signs of a slumping U.S. economy accumulate. Stock prices were down again yesterday with the Dow and S&P 500 indexes falling 0.93 percent and 0.84 percent respectively. The Nasdaq Composite index fell 0.39 percent while the Entrepreneur Index™ closed the day off 0.09 percent. U.S. Treasury bond prices, on the other hand, jumped sharply, resulting in a six basis point drop in the yield on the 10-year Treasury bond. At 2.27 percent, the 10-year yield is the lowest it’s been…