Manchin and Sinema Save Children’s Lives

Our patriot leaders continue to fight against abortion. They believe it is morally wrong to take the life of an innocent child.  Every child’s life is valuable and worth saving. They will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn and work to ensure every child has a chance to live to the fullest. We’ve seen several states ban abortion, such as: Texas Louisiana Arizona Idaho Florida The Catholic Church is also furious with the dems’ support for abortion. They believe the liberals are okay with killing millions of…

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CBP About to Break the Record for the Most Border Arrest this Year

The border crisis is still not improving. This is because the Biden administration has not appropriately addressed the issue. They have failed to provide adequate funding for border security.  These liberals haven’t implemented effective policies to deal with the influx of migrants. Unfortunately, this has led to a situation where the border crisis is now out of control.  Our Patriot leaders are having a hard time securing the border. The Biden administration has caused too much damage to our borders. Unfortunately, the current president is weak on immigration… and he…

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Putin Warns the US for Punishing Russia

July has been a tough month for Ukraine. Russia continues to launch attacks, causing damage and destruction. Eastern and Southern Ukraine are doing their best to fight back, but the battle is still far from ending. The international community must step up and help Ukraine in its time of need. Putin may have admitted that he made NATO stronger, but he’s not stopping from attacking. He wants to weaken the alliance so Russia can exert its influence over Ukraine. Due to Russia’s ongoing attacks, more casualties are happening in Ukraine.…

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Biden Undoing Everything that President Trump Did for America

Trump isn’t satisfied with Biden’s performance as president. The country suffers as a result of the demo-rat’s poor decision-making. American citizens are being neglected while Biden focuses on furthering his political agenda.  Under President Trump, our country made incredible progress. The border’s condition was improving. Our country was energy-independent. However, Biden is undoing all of that right now. He’s reversing Trump’s policies and taking us back many steps. We can’t let him get away with it. Biden is wasting everything that President Trump did during his term. He is dismantling…

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Dems Move One Step Closer to Passing Gun Safety Legislation

Republican leaders are fighting to protect our gun rights. The Democrats, on the other hand, want to kill our culture. They’re trying to take away our right to bear arms, which is a fundamental part of who we are as Americans. Democrats are using the latest shooting incidents to push for more gun restrictions. One of them is the Texas shooting incident in Uvalde. They’re taking advantage of the tragedy to score political points, and it’s sickening.  This agenda would do nothing to stop criminals from getting their hands on…

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