Biden Pushes Vaccine on Unwitting Americans

The White House recently announced a new COVID response initiative. Their plan is to go ‘door-to-door’, encouraging unvaccinated Americans to get the vaccine…  This raises major privacy concerns, which were outlined by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, in a letter to Biden. This level of outreach is an intrusion into every Americans’ health care privacy by the government. “I … was greatly alarmed by your white house indicating that it might be in possession of medical records revealing the contact information for Americans who have not been vaccinated, if this…

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Trump Fights For Free Speech

President Trump announced that he will be filing a class-action lawsuit against social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Google, and the company’s respective CEO’s. Following the January 6th riot, Trump was permanently banned from Twitter, and temporarily banned from Facebook; a sentence that has been extended until at least January 2023.   Zuckerberg said that Trump would be suspended from Facebook because he used it “to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.” But really this is just another scheme by the liberals and Big Tech companies to censor the conservative…

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Biden Starts Cyber War With Russia

Biden finally showed some authority and called out Russian President Vladimir Putin to take action against the several ransomware groups that have been operating in Russia and attacking American businesses.  Ransomware is a type of malicious software used by hackers to hold data hostage in exchange for money. Over the last year, American organizations have been at the mercy of these hacking groups, and they don’t seem to stop. This past May, we saw a cyber attack by a Russian group on the Colonial Pipeline, freezing operations and setting off…

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Hunter Biden is a CON Artist

Hunter Biden Art

After being involved in drug cases and lying on his gun application… Hunter Biden is now living his new life as a full-time ‘artist’. He’s currently charging anywhere from $75,000 – $500,000 for his artwork, too much for someone with no professional art experience.  If you thought that you’d be able to find out who is wasting their money on this, then guess again because the White House also crafted an agreement to keep the buyers confidential. They’re claiming that this will solve any ethical concerns… when in reality it…

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Biden’s Plans ‘Will Lead to Spiraling Inflation’

Biden is now the biggest threat to the economy he claims to be rebuilding… Americans are worried about his spending plans because they only end in one future – severe economic inflation. Biden wants to use our country’s funds for infrastructure, education, health care, and more.  However, he is planning a $6 trillion budget for everything, the largest proposed budget this country has seen in years…the costs to fund these infrastructure projects are projected to push federal spending to its highest sustained levels since World War II. Inflation for next…

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