Parental Rights in Education Law Takes Effect in Florida

A few months ago, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis fought for the Parental Rights in Education Law. This legislation bans schools from giving classroom instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” from kindergarten to third grade. Its intention is to provide children with a safer environment where they can better establish their identity.

To no one’s surprise, the liberals are against this movement. They call this law the “Don’t Say Gay Law.”  DeSantis even fought head-on against Disney to have this law in effect. He exposed the woke leaders in the company who are willing to destroy children’s core values.

DeSantis fought as a governor and as a parent. The patriot leader believes that kids don’t deserve to be tainted… especially by the new education system that the dems are planning to put in place. This July, Florida successfully implemented the Parental Rights in Education Law.

Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Law is in Effect

The Parental Rights in Education Law took effect this month. The state’s Department of Education will have until next summer to develop new rules that define:

  • Classroom regulations for children
  • Age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate instructions

Conservative lawmakers believe that sexual orientation is inappropriately forced on children. Rep. Joe Harding is vocal about how this law will help children’s growth and development. He wrote, “Florida is no longer just the freest state in the country. It is now the most pro-parent state as well.”

On the other hand, Biden signed an executive order targeting the Parental Rights Law. The demo-rat said, “Three hundred discriminatory bills introduced in states across this country. In Texas, knocking on front doors to harass parents raising transgender children. In Florida, going after Mickey Mouse, for God’s sake. That’s striking close to home.”

Meanwhile, Log Cabin Republicans backfired on Biden for using his authority to mislead people. They said, “It’s unfortunate that President Biden again used a podium… to mislead and demonize the common sense parental rights law.  [The legislation intends to] protect children from woke lesson plans around sexual identity.”

Right now, the legislation is in effect in Florida. So it’s not that surprising for the liberals to oppose the Parental Rights Law.

Several Other States to Apply the Parental Rights in Education Law

Other states are planning to introduce the same legislation. They believe these discussions should be at the parents’ discretion… not the school’s. Pennsylvania and New Jersey state senators proposed a bill similar to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Law. 

The bill would prohibit classroom teachings on sexual orientation if passed. This would be for Pre-J through fifth-grade students. This legislation will also allow parents to sue schools… if their child receives sex or gender instruction in violation of the bill.

Our patriot leaders are doing everything to help children mature… without the political intervention of the liberals.

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