Pelosi Up to No Good: Warns Lawmakers Not to Travel to Afghanistan

We’ve seen the unfortunate crisis in Afghanistan unfolding in the mainstream since it began a few months ago. The Biden administration likes to pretend nothing is wrong when it’s clear as day that it’s just one wrong move after another.  

Now, the twisted dems are once again manipulating the truth to their advantage. They’re covering up for something that they don’t want us to know…

White House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned lawmakers not to visit Afghanistan… after at least 12 US service members and dozens of civilians were killed during the crisis. She also mentioned that such trips should “unnecessarily divert needed resources” from evacuating American and Afghan allies.

“It should be clear that any Member presence presents a danger and an opportunity cost of resources, regardless of whatever value that Members consider they may add by such trips.” The demo-rat said in a letter to lawmakers.

The letter from Pelosi came after she saw Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer and Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton went on an unauthorized trip to Kabul’s airport. These two are simply lawmakers who wanted to conduct oversight of the investigation. 

They wanted to see the actual situation in Afghanistan. However, the Biden administration criticized the effort as “dangerous” and a “strain on the military.” 

Pelosi also mentioned other things in her letter:

  • More than 100,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan since the end of July 
  • The Congress “must and will continue to be briefed” by the administration about its efforts
  • Other congressional leaders were briefed by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
  • Congress “remains deeply concerned about the security and humanitarian situation”

Most of these are obviously another set of excuses from the liberals… and they’re giving us more reason to doubt them even more.

The visit of Moulton and Meijer enraged the officials at the White House, Pentagon, and State Department. They accused the two lawmakers of taking up needed resources during the chaotic withdrawal.

Meijer responded to the liberal’s false accusations. He said, “The opprobrium from the Defense Department, from the White House, from the State Department, is frankly laughable. They have done everything they can to obstruct the situation, to deny this reality, and frankly to hide facts from the American people.”

Then he added, “These people [US Soldiers] are heroes, Their stories need to be told, and I am so damn proud to be an American from what I saw on the ground in Kabul.”

Meijer also said that he and Moulton had planned their trip to be “not to be dependent on anything related to the US government.”

The two lawmakers whom Pelosi warned had good reasons to travel in Afghanistan. They wanted to see the bigger picture and not blindly trust what the dems report on paper. They probably wish to confirm some of the ill-natured rumors circulating, such as whether or not the Pentagon actually decided to leave military dogs caged in Kabul…

We may not yet know what Pelosi and the demo-rats are hiding. But one thing is for sure… We can never trust any word she says to us.

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10 Thoughts to “Pelosi Up to No Good: Warns Lawmakers Not to Travel to Afghanistan”

  1. john

    people are starting to wake up to the BS lies of the pelosy administration !and its about time we get rid of her fishy smelly ass!

  2. James

    Pelosi is a Evil Doer daughter of the Devil lucifer who needs to be removed from office and the speaker ship in the house of representatives.

  3. Deplorable Lanie

    If these Congress members are going to Afghanistan at their own expense and with their own security., then Pelosi has no right to tell them that they can’t go! She is drunk on her perceived power, and I, for one, will be immensely glad to see her go!!

  4. Catherine

    I agree 100% James !!!!!!

  5. Kate

    Let’s not forget if Trump’s lips were moving, he was and still is lying.

  6. JoBo

    Kate, is it really fun to be so stupid? Thanks for the laugh during all confusion being caused by Demo’s in what is left of our democary.


    they claim they left no service dogs behind,this coming from the same adm that loves fauxi whom we now know abused beagles in experiments he may have funded and okayed. these people are bullshitters of the first degree,they are lefty commie loving traitors beholden only to power- they must never hold office again.

  8. Yvonne King

    Have they done anything beyond lying to us this whole 10 months!! They are all liars and traitors!!

  9. Wyatt Earp

    People need to pay attention to everything that come out of Pelosi mouth. She is hiding a crime, she doesn’t want us to find out! If that the cases, then you can believe as long as she HOUSE SPEAKER we will never know the truth! Since 2008 she has done everything to stop anybody from investigating the action of the democrats party! Thank to her power over lot of other people.

  10. robert

    kate. get a real life. demorats are history

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