Red Flags You Should Look for in Quarterly Earnings Reports

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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Phil Town discusses how to approach listening to quarterly earnings calls, which can be a gold mine of information for investors.

In terms of general information, Phil Town points out that these calls usually take place on the same day that the quarterly earnings report comes out. It may also be a good idea to review the annual report, the 10k, as well. If a company is worthwhile, these reports will be extremely enlightening, since the document will provide accurate and honest information.

Town also recommends being overly critical when listening to calls, such as evaluating if you even believe what you’re hearing. You want to make sure your money is going into a trustworthy company that will be transparent. throughout your relationship with them.

To hear more about the logistics around earnings calls, among other details you should look out for, click the video.

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