Senate Passes $1 Trillion Bogus Infrastructure Bill

The U.S. Senate finally passed one of Biden’s two big infrastructure packages, totaling $1 trillion in federal budget spending. 

This infrastructure package hands a major bipartisan victory to the Biden administration that will provide the nation’s biggest investment into roads, bridges, airports, and waterways in decades. 

In a 100 seat Senate chamber, the final vote came out to 69-30 – with 19 Republican votes for the package.  

While this bill is expected to bring some big changes to America’s major travel systems, the dems have also managed to weave their socialist agenda into the mix. 

Former President Trump has completely condemned this bill and has been preaching the warning signs since it was brought up for voting.  

“Tax increases on everyone, government-run healthcare, more government-run schools, amnesty for illegal immigrants, MASKS, and many more terrible socialist programs”

This bill is nothing more than a “massive socialist expansion” on the dems part; the RINOs in the Senate are largely at fault for giving in to the dems on this infrastructure bill.

Overall this infrastructure bill has been deemed bad legislation and politically irresponsible by Trump, who warns everyone to say goodbye to the incredible tax cuts we saw during the Trump Administration.

Trump continued to say, “Why are RINOs so desperate to push bad, Radical Leftist policies?”

This isn’t the end of the dems attack for political power either…

Not long after the voting ended, the Senate immediately pushed the $3.5 trillion spending package known as the human infrastructure package. The dems plan to have this plan passed without Republican votes, through a process known as budget reconciliation. 

This bill plans to focus on “Human infrastructure” funding, universal kindergarten, paid family and medical leave, and other items. The bill also has several other hidden items, one of which discusses a pathway to citizenship for immigrants.

All along this infrastructure bill was implemented as a means for pushing the Biden Administration’s hidden agenda… Every move the dems make is tactical, and the human infrastructure bill is no different…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already stated that her chamber won’t be taking up either infrastructure bill unless BOTH bills are in her hands, otherwise, it will remain in limbo.

This human infrastructure bill is the dems socialist agenda in action, Sen. John Kennedy (R-La) called out the infrastructure bill for false advertising. “They told us it was a real infrastructure bill. It’s not. Only 23% of the bill is real infrastructure. The rest is Green New Deal and welfare. They told us the bill was paid for. It isn’t. We’re going to have to borrow maybe up to $400 billion to pay for it.” 

In light of the passage of this bill and the budget plan, the Senate has cleared the way for their month-long summer break. Until congress returns to session in September, it’s a mere waiting game to find out what the future of America will look like.

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15 Thoughts to “Senate Passes $1 Trillion Bogus Infrastructure Bill”

  1. JKH

    All senators and house-members have taken sworn oaths to “support and defend” the US Constitution. That oath includes upholding Article 1 Section 7 Clause 1 that states: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.” This part of the US Constitution raises questions concerning the 3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Resolution passed by the Senate.
    1. How can increased revenues originate in the House when they are proposed and listed in the Senate resolution?
    2. Speaker Pelosi states she will not bring up for votes both the infrastructure bill and 3.5 Trillion Reconciliation until after both have passed in the Senate. How can bills for raising revenue originate in the House when they have previously been passed by the Senate?
    3. At this time, the House has not passed a budget resolution. If the House accepts and adopts the same tax increases already passed by the Senate, how can house-members or senators claim that the tax increase revenues originated in the House of Representatives?
    4. What are the consequences for those who violate their sworn oaths to uphold the US Constitution? Is it censure? Is it expulsion? Is it a demand for resignation?

  2. Hadenough

    Would be nice to have a list of those that took a hand in destroying our we may destroy them.

    1. r m

      I would care less if I saw the pictures and listings of those who voted for that garbage on the local paper’s obituary page.

  3. Robert E. Altee

    I am an 86 year old retired Air Force officer who actively fought in two wars and two contingencies. What has happened to the USA since 1950 shows clearly just how communism has infiltrated to the point that many of today’s so called Democrat politicians completely and willingly support replacing our Government with socialist and communist political ideals. Tens of thousands of military personnel gave their lives fighting socialism and communism. Millions of military personnel actively fought in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan to support the United States goals to deeper enhance our Nation’s quest to ensure democracy and freedom for all United States citizens. My generation bears the responsibility of allowing the threat of socialism and communism to be taught to students at all levels of education. We were so impelled to provide our offspring with prosperity and total sense of wealth that we allowed communism to be widely taught in our educational systems. Our educators quickly pounced on the opportunity to spread their belief and trust in communism. An overwhelming majority of Democrats now openly practice endorsement of replacing our most valuable democracy with hard-lined communism. The majority of our citizens who are less than 50 years of age have been thoroughly taught to believe in both, socialism and communism. They will live to experience how it is to live under total loss of freedom. Those who have tried so desperately to destroy our Nation will be forced to live under a type of government never before in reality known to the USA. In spite of the mass of citizens who want to bring down our Government, may their lives be altered so that they realize their “dreams” would result in a travesty never before known by Americans.

  4. Douglas

    Pure commie bullshit

  5. Drew Page

    There were 18 “republican” Senators who voted to pass this trillion dollar boondoggle. Most of which has nothing to do with infrastructure.

    They are: McConnell, Blunt, Burr, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cramer, Crapo, Fisher, Graham, Grassley, Hoeven, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Sullivan, Tillis and Wicker.

    If these RINOs get re-elected, the GOP will need a 68 seat Senate majority to undo the damage these so-called “republicans” have caused.

  6. John Palmer

    Amen to the outcome you have depicted for future generations! The youth of America were turned over to educators to raise while we, the parents went out (mom and dad) to earn a living and bring comfort to our families. Now we are suffering the outcome of their indoctrination! They generally don’t love the freedoms our generation and those before us fought and died to provide. They expect to be ‘babysit’ by a benevolent government but will find they just don’t matter in the pursuit of wealth and power!

  7. CAN

    Obviously Douglass you do not kn ow history.

  8. CAN

    Obviously Douglass you fail to know American history. Especially regarding our military .

  9. Robert Page

    These same Republicans who voted for this sham of a bill prove to anyone who is still in doubt that elections matter. Furthermore, God sent us Donald Trump and we were not smart enough or resistant enough to force our representatives to insist that the last election was stolen and at least allow the facts to prove or disprove if that happened. The only thing you can count on from a politician is that they will say or do anything to get themselves re-elected because that is all they care about and that is why they did not fight for Donald Trump because he was going to expose them and they knew it.

  10. JoeyP

    DEFUND IT! . . . NOW. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  11. Lillian

    Vote all of them out of office and then try all of them for treason, because that’s where they should have been. Who voted Democrats , better realize stop and frisk didn’t work to many people who were Hispanic or of color were being locked up. Time for term limits and get all Rino’s out of office. All 19 senators who voted for the bill need to be voted out including Lindsay Graham, and all the rest of the Rino’s. Our kids will be on the hook for the package

  12. James

    America Vote out the Nazis AKA the democratic party and Rino’s and progressives Next election We The People Demand our country back from the Nazis and Rino’s and progressives

  13. Jerry

    Everyone that voted for this bill needs to have their banking accounts audited. These politicians that voted for this needs to be fired we do not need these dumb ass people making decision for this country I hope MIDTERMS in November and 2024 we get theses ass holes out politics!!!!!!

  14. Ted

    All these dummyrats and RINOS need to be retired at the end of a rope for being the treasonous bastids that they are.

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