Socialist Agenda Overruns School Boards

The left continues their crusade to push their left agenda on school districts across the country, and they’re being met with severe backlash from parents who are worried about the impact these changes are going to have on their children.  

School boards all over the country are involved in hot debates and protests over Critical Race Theory (CRT), mask mandates, and gender-related policies.  

Loudoun County school board in Virginia has seen the brunt of this opposition over the last few months. 

They recently approved policy 8040, requiring teachers to use preferred pronouns and allows “gender-expansive and transgender students” to participate in sports and other activities “in a manner consistent with the student’s gender identity.”

Loudoun is also one of the more prominent districts with heavy opposition from parents against CRT; the debate over what should and shouldn’t be taught has gotten so big it’s made its way into the Senate.

Sen. Tom Cotton led the charge, and just recently got an amendment passed in the budget reconciliation package that would prohibit federal funds from being used to promote CRT in schools.

As the beginning of the fall semester returns and students start going back to school, a much more pressing debate has plagued the media, being the topic of mask mandates.

With the rising cases of Delta-variant in the US, health officials are growing concerned with the potential risks to combatting coronavirus.  

Gov DeSantis (FL) is the leading defender of mask choice being left up to the parents, and not being forced by the school system. Parents argued that schools didn’t have the power to mandate whether their children wore masks. 

Protests are happening across the country, and students everywhere are fighting for their right to choose masks, leaving the medical decision up to the parents.

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2 Thoughts to “Socialist Agenda Overruns School Boards”

  1. Robert Taylor

    It is well beyond time to quit expecting parents to bow down and allow their children to be indoctrinated by a left leaning group. If we want to keep our country we must keep track of what our kids are learning.

  2. Wyatt Earp

    Parents your job is to be sure your child is taught the truth in public school. Yes, we know there are teacher, principles, and other in the school system that DON’T BELONG! Even some custodian are not qualified to work in school system! Lot of these teacher come from liberal control universities and college. They join the TEACHER UNION to help push their opinion upon other. All teachers should be force to take a polygraph test to see of they will be fair to every child. And their personal opinion is NOT TAUGHT OR USE IN THE CLASSROOM.

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