5-Day Sugar Free Weight Loss Diet Plan

Sugar is one of the biggest enemy of your weight loss routine. Most of the people in an attempt to avoid sugar stop eating sweets. It is important to understand that sugar is not only present in sweets but most of the food items such as bread or pasta has some proportion of sugar present in it. Here is a sugar free diet plan which can make sure that your diet is on track and you get the best way to stay healthy. The five day diet plan is very effective and can make sure that you get the best way to take care of yourself.

Day 1:

Breakfast: Start of your day with half cup of oats mixed with frozen berries. Add almonds, linseed and sunflower seeds with almond milk to it.

Snack: Eat handful of walnuts and one banana to keep you filled up.

Lunch: Smoked Salmon with 2 to 3 quinoa of rice flakes and avocado.

Snack: hummus with veggie sticks

Dinner: Salad along with grilled lamb.

Snack: Chia Seeds and raspberry with Greek yogurt.

Day 2:

Breakfast: 2 to 3 egg omelette with mushroom, spinach and spring onions.

Snack: Smoothie with pineapple juice, coconut oil, kale, spinach and cucumber.

Lunch: Cherry tomato, avocado, tuna and baked potato

Snack: green tea with 3 protein balls

Dinner: cucumber, spinach, asparagus with baked salmon

Snack: Pudding made from chia seed

Day 3:

Breakfast: Poached Egg with avocado and wholegrain gluten free bread

Snack: Hummus along with veggie sticks

Lunch: Brown rice salad along with tuna

Snack: Smoothie with frozen berry

Dinner: Steamed cauliflower and broccoli with sweet potato chips and Eye filet steak

Snack: Chamomile tea

Day 4:

Breakfast: Fried mushrooms, 2 poached eggs, avocado and steamed spinach

Snack: almonds and handful of pecans

Lunch: Coriander rice paper roll with 2 prawns

Snack: Green tea wth 3 protein balls

Dinner: Leafy green salad with grilled bass

Snack: Chia seeds with greek yoghurt and strawberries.

Day 5:

Breakfast: Frozen berries, Sunflower seeds, almonds and linseed with almond milk and oats.

Snack: Smoothie with pineapple juice, coconut oil, kale, cucumber and spinach

Lunch: Pumpkin seeds, green vegetables, avocado, beetroot and Tuna salad.

Snacks: Walnuts and small proportion of almonds

Dinner: mixed vegetables with beef which is stir fry

Snack: Cinnamon with green tea and baked apple.

This five day meal is very comprehensive and can make sure that you get complete nutrition. One of the best things about the diet is that it involved five meals which can make sure that you are satisfied and do not get food cravings. The meal will reduce the consumption of sugar and make sure that you get the best care for your body. It will keep you fit active and free from any kind of issues. If required the diet should be repeated once a month for better results.

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