Super Bowl: The Brady Effect

The mainstream media wrote off Tom Brady after he left the Patriots – this weekend, he’s ready to prove them all wrong…

Whether or not you’re behind the Buccaneers this weekend, there’s very little doubt that Brady is the biggest American patriot in the league. Here’s why:

No matter who you’re supporting in the Super Bowl tomorrow, there’s one name that’s come up in every single talk about the game… Tom Brady. 

Despite his history-making series of Super Bowl wins for the Patriots, many were quick to write off Brady when he chose to leave the team…

Almost certainly because of his apparent support for President Trump.

While Brady’s kept out of discussing politics for a while, given just how excessive the reaction was to him displaying a MAGA hat years ago, there’s little doubt that his beliefs have stayed the same…

The fact is, if someone with more liberal politics had achieved what Brady has accomplished, there’d be no doubters, no detractors… you’d be seeing him held up as a living legend… the Muhammad Ali of football.

Despite the naysayers in the media, Brady proved them wrong in just a year. 

Before Brady joined, the Buccaneers were on a major losing streak, with no big wins in the last 13 years. 

With many claiming that Brady was already on the last legs of his career, practically no one expected him to take the team right back to the top for this year’s Super Bowl…

And many didn’t want him to. 

For liberal watchers, Brady has always been a ‘love to hate him’ figure… they know just how good he is, so they’d love to watch him lose. 

Either way, with this year’s Super Bowl looking drastically different thanks to the pandemic, there’s one thing that’s the same as ever… Tom Brady is the man to beat this Sunday.

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