Supreme Court to Hear a Second Challenge to Biden’s Student Loan Handout

Joe Biden has been conisistently ruining our economy and now has gone too far with with his student loan handout

It’s a costly, irresponsible move that only further illustrates the president’s unchecked power. Moreover, it lacks regard for following the law. 

This administration is crossing boundaries with these outlandish decisions.

Biden’s Student Loan Handout Suffers Another Setback

The dems are still determined to make us pay student loans with their hard-earned money. The administration plans to cancel up to: 

  • $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients in college 
  • $10,000 for others who borrowed using federal student loans

Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness plan dealt another setback. The federal appeals court declined to shelve a lower court’s ruling blocking the policy.

This is the second appeals court to issue a setback to the policy. It effectively halts the plan that gives federal borrowers. Hence, making less than $125,000 per year up to $10,000 in debt relief.

The administration has stopped accepting student loan forgiveness applications. Despite all the opposition, the left is insisting that the plan is legal. 

Meanwhile, several other legal challenges have been filed against the student debt plan… but have yet to find success in the courts.

The Supreme Court to Face Biden’s Student Loan Handout

Many of our patriots despise Biden’s student loan handout. We remember that a federal judge in Texas struck down Biden’s student loan handout. Meanwhile, experts believe that the Supreme Court will reject Biden’s student loan handout.

Recently, the Supreme Court is expected to hear a second challenge to Biden’s plan to “cancel” student loan debt for millions of borrowers…

Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network, told Fox News that challenges to the president’s student loan handout… is a case the Supreme Court “ought” to take up. She believes that by declaring a state of emergency for Biden’s goal… he is reaching beyond his authority as president.

“This is a classic area that the court has been looking at a lot lately, in part. We have seen administrations like the Biden administration that are reaching beyond their authority,” Severino said.

She added, “So the way that this is being done is exactly the type of behavior that the court has had to smack down on several occasions. The student loan forgiveness is the same kind of thing.”

Under the current administration, non-payments are being counted as “payments” towards various student loan forgiveness plans… something that is unfair to those who have already paid back their loans or never attended college at all.

It’s great that kids want higher education. However, it’s not free. If they can’t handle the debt, they should think twice about going to college. Why should the taxpayers be saddled with someone else’s debt? 

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One Thought to “Supreme Court to Hear a Second Challenge to Biden’s Student Loan Handout”

  1. […] The Supreme Court rejected President Biden’s ambitious student debt forgiveness plan.  […]

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