American’s Want To See Olympic Sponsors Pull Campaigns From The Games

Vladimir Putin attended the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. On the blue field are Cai Qi (left) and Thomas Bach (right) / Presidential Executive Office of Russia / Flickr / 4 February 2022 / CC BY 4.0 The 2022 Olympics have been underway for about a week now, and amid the excitement and patriotism of cheering on our American athletes, there is controversy brewing under the surface of the ice.  What’s hidden behind the curtain is China’s dark past and history of human rights abuses…

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Biden Punishes China Over Human Rights Abuses

China is facing scrutiny for human rights issues because of “forced labor” allegations against them. Biden signed into law a bill that aims to punish China for abuses on ethnic and religious minorities in the Xinjiang region. The dems Take Advantage of the Chaos in China There’s a big chance that the administration is using this situation to cover up their failures in the White House…  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki promised to focus on this matter at hand. The demo-rat said, “The Administration will work closely with Congress…

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