Sen. Joe Manchin Won’t Support Dem’s Climate Agenda and Tax Hikes

Sen. Joe Manchin may be a Democrat. But he isn’t afraid to oppose his party’s politically motivated agenda… and that’s a good thing. It shows that he’s not just blindly following the far left. He’s willing to stand up for his beliefs, even if it means going against his party. The fact that he is willing to go against his party shows that he is an independent thinker. He is someone who puts the needs of his constituents first.  Manchin is a man of integrity. He knows his state and…

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Biden’s Climate Change Policies Causes Energy Prices to Go Up

Biden continues to destroy America’s national energy. If he continues with his current policies, we’ll have to depend on other countries for our energy in a few years. He’s ruining our economy and destroying thousands of jobs in the process. Gas prices have continued to increase since Biden became president. Some people blame him for the rising costs. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear what he should do to bring them. It’s something that’s been bothering many people lately. Biden’s Actions on Climate Change Causes Gas and Electricity Prices to Go…

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