DeSantis Takes Stand on Education Issues

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is building a reputation for his education policies. It has gained him support among Republicans and other conservative news outlets.  He has taken a firm stance against issues like:  Critical race theory LGBTQ education Right now, he is positioning himself as a cultural warrior in the Republican Party. DeSantis Built a Conservative Following on Education DeSantis’s handling of schools during the Covid-19 pandemic has been a significant part of his educational policies. He ordered Florida schools to reopen in the fall of 2020… despite medical advice…

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House Republicans Investigate Education Dept for Funding CTR with Covid Relief Money

The administration is destroying our education system as well as our budget. These dems are using our taxes to fund far-left educational curriculums. Our hard-earned money should not be going to support their ideology.  We need to take a stand and demand that our money goes to support more relevant American values. Education Dept Using Covid Funds to Fund Critical Race Theory? This September, conservatives are demanding information on where their taxes are really going. House Republicans are launching an investigation on the Department of Education… for allegedly allowing Covid…

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Woke NJ School Officials Push Sex Education for 2nd-Grade Students

The dems aren’t holding back when it comes to ruining the future of our youth. These liberals would never make America great if they continue their power play. We’ve seen how they’re pushing Critical Race Theory…  trying to brainwash our children earlier to create more discrimination.  Now, they want to teach children sex education and gender identity in schools. NJ Pushes Sex Ed Earlier for Students in 2nd Grade New Jersey students will get lessons related to gender identity this fall under state sex education guidelines. The new curriculum will…

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