House Passes Bill to Release Classified COVID-19 Origin Info

Former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield testified during a House hearing on the origins of COVID-19. He revealed that he was excluded from calls between global health experts. The director argued that Dr. Anthony Fauci acted “antithetical to science” when he rejected the lab leak theory discussion. The committee searches for answers on the pandemic origins. They also assess claims Dr. Fauci was part of a “cover-up.”  Dr. Fauci Covers COVID Origins Meanwhile, Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain argued that Fauci’s actions surrounding the pandemic origins were “covering…

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Dr. Anthony Fauci Finally Plans to Retire?

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a significant thorn in the Republican party’s side for months. Finally, after months and months of ostracization, it appears that he’s ready to take his leave.  Dr. Fauci to Retire? Dr. Anthony Fauci is retiring as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the end of the month. The demo-rat held  a 54-year career in public service. In an interview with The Associated Press… Fauci said he is excited by advances such as next-generation coronavirus vaccines. However, he is worried that…

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White House Hints Annual Covid-19 Boosters

The dems are still clinging to power with their Covid-19 boosters. They just can’t let go, even though our patriots have spoken. Republicans are committed to getting our country back on track… and we won’t let the dems derail us with their destructive policies. We will continue to fight for what’s right for the American people. White House Hints America Will Have Annual Covid-19 Boosters Recently, the Biden administration’s health officials participated in a press briefing about the Covid-19 virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that annual Covid-19 boosters might be…

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Dr. Fauci Hides His Involvement with the Covid-19 Origins

Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to insist that he has no involvement with the virus’ origins. Despite the mounting evidence against him, Fauci continues to maintain his position that he is innocent. However, this is causing many to question his motivation. Fauci had prior knowledge of China’s plans regarding the new coronavirus. The demo-rat kept this information secret until it was too late. He must be held accountable for his actions. Our patriot leaders are working tirelessly to expose Fauci’s lies. They believe he is purposely trying to mislead the American…

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President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate in Pennsylvania

The twisted dems continue their power play in the health industry, especially with their forceful vaccine and mask mandates. So far, we’ve seen: An NYC employee getting fired for questioning her mayor on toddler mask mandates Kamala Harris not wear a mask when she visited a school in D.C. despite imposing the mandates The administration wasting federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Dr. Anthony Anthony Fauci’s involvement with the origins of the virus The liberals require vaccine mandates on children ages 5-11 and pregnant women Biden attempting…

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