Liberals Winning Several Key States on Midterm Elections

As of now, the Democrats have the upper hand in the midterm elections. Most of our Republicans feel frustrated because of what’s happening.  The dems won several states in the midterm elections, gaining more momentum. Let’s hope that our patriots can still turn around the situation. Dems Won Full Control in These States Democrats have taken complete control of state capitols in:  Michigan Minnesota Maryland Massachusetts Moreover, this is the first time in 40 years that the dems wield the full power of the Michigan government. “By all accounts, this…

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Republicans Are Taking Back the House and Senate?

The midterm elections have come and gone. According to experts, the GOP is now favored to take the House and Senate.  This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention… but it’s nonetheless an encouraging sign for the future of our country.  GOP Now Favored to Take House and Senate, Experts, and Polls Say Fox News Power Rankings predicts Republicans will take control of the House. While several political experts concluded that the GOP will take control of the House and Senate: Josh Kraushaar believes…

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The Dems Want to Diminish The Power of Our Voting Rights

Voters along Brooklyn’s Church Avenue during the 2008 presidential election. Photo by April Sikorski via Wikipedia A Controversial guest essay was published in the NY Times with the headline “There Is No Good Reason” a person should be required to become an American Citizen in order to vote in the US elections.   The journalist in question Atossa Araxia Abrahamian (a Swiss immigrant) argued that because non-citizens live legally in the US and “contribute as much” to American life as natural-born Americans, they should also have a say in “matters of…

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