White House Concerns Spark NDAA Debate

The White House expressed concerns regarding the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amid ongoing discussions in the House of Representatives… The NDAA determines the annual budget for US defense operations. It is crucial for the country’s security and military readiness. White House Raises Concerns Over NDAA Amid Bipartisan Debate  The White House’s concerns center around the proposed defense spending levels. Biden’s advisors are convincing lawmakers to be wart about overextending the budget.  Despite the ongoing debate in the House, Democrats and Republicans have varying viewpoints on how much should be…

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NC Democrat Switches to GOP, Granting Republicans Veto-Proof Supermajority

North Carolina’s political landscape has shifted as a Democratic State… because of Rep. Tricia Cotham’s recent switch to the Republican Party.  This granted conservatives a supermajority in the state’s House of Representatives. Cotham cited differing views on abortion and immigration as reasons for her departure from the Democrats and her admiration for the Republican Party’s focus on job creation and economic growth…  With the new supermajority, Republicans will control the state’s legislative agenda more significantly… leading to potential redistricting and voting rights changes.  The move has been criticized by Democrats,…

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Pelosi to Stay Involved in Politics After Leaving Speaker’s Office?

Nancy Pelosi recently spoke about her plans for her role after her time as speaker of the House ends. Last November, she officially said that she would step down from her role. Her announcement came after the Republicans won the House last year. However, she’s almost as active as she was before. Pelosi Seeking Balance in Post-Speakership Role? In her remarks, Pelosi emphasized the need to balance promoting Democratic values and working with Republicans to get things done… Pelosi stated that she intends to stay involved in politics… after she…

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House Passes Bill to Release Classified COVID-19 Origin Info

Former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield testified during a House hearing on the origins of COVID-19. He revealed that he was excluded from calls between global health experts. The director argued that Dr. Anthony Fauci acted “antithetical to science” when he rejected the lab leak theory discussion. The committee searches for answers on the pandemic origins. They also assess claims Dr. Fauci was part of a “cover-up.”  Dr. Fauci Covers COVID Origins Meanwhile, Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain argued that Fauci’s actions surrounding the pandemic origins were “covering…

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McCarthy Wants to Win More Seats for Republicans in the House in 2024

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been a strong advocate for the Republican Party. He has been actively working to make the House a more welcoming place for conservatives.  As one of the highest-ranking Republicans in the House, McCarthy has taken on the challenge of promoting conservative principles… and ensuring that the Republican agenda is given a fair hearing.  McCarthy to Expand House GOP Majority Republicans in the House of Representatives want to win the 2024 elections to keep their majority. To do this, they need funding to run their campaigns.   …

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