Republicans Expected to Win the House?

The dems are expected to maintain their control in the Senate. On the other hand, the Republican party is confident that they will win the House. According to the Associated Press, the GOP leads with 220-213 seats in the House against the dems. If they are successful, it will be a significant victory for the party and its conservative agenda. They swept the House with lightning speed, leaving liberals in their wake. It was a decisive blow for the conservative movement and will be felt for years to come. Our…

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Republicans Are Taking Back the House and Senate?

The midterm elections have come and gone. According to experts, the GOP is now favored to take the House and Senate.  This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention… but it’s nonetheless an encouraging sign for the future of our country.  GOP Now Favored to Take House and Senate, Experts, and Polls Say Fox News Power Rankings predicts Republicans will take control of the House. While several political experts concluded that the GOP will take control of the House and Senate: Josh Kraushaar believes…

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