Russia-Ukraine War Creating a Divide Among GOP

Rob Portman / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 22, 2015 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Russia-Ukraine war continues to affect people’s lives. Uncertainty increases as the war progresses. We’ve seen: Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers killed People worrying about the rising oil prices Thousands of refugees flee from Ukraine Ukrainian public figures choosing to fight and getting killed in the frontlines Putin’s censorship of the media in his country about the war The war is not just affecting Russia and Ukraine; but also affecting America. Now we’re seeing how Biden…

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Dems Working With Big Tech to Destroy America

JD Vance / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / April 17, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / The dems and Big Tech always do everything to keep our conservative opinion censored. They never give us a fair fight… making sure they always have the advantage. They manipulate the truth to make out patriots look bad. We’ve seen how: Facebook and Twitter suspended President Trump’s accounts Youtube deactivated two conservative channels Youtube removed the visibility of the number of dislikes Amazon invaded our privacy with Amazon Sidewalk and Amazon Key The liberals’…

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