Taiwanese President to Meet With McCarthy Despite Threats From China

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has vowed to strengthen Joe Biden’s stance on China… using the 118th Congress to set federal policies that give him a “backbone” to deal with Beijing.   McCarthy Does More Action than Biden In an interview with Fox News, the California Republican said he plans to approve measures on a bipartisan basis… to ensure that Beijing “understands we mean business.” McCarthy said he wants to “empower the president,” as unity in Congress would give him “a stronger hand.”  McCarthy warned that although Biden has a good rapport…

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McCarthy Wants to Win More Seats for Republicans in the House in 2024

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been a strong advocate for the Republican Party. He has been actively working to make the House a more welcoming place for conservatives.  As one of the highest-ranking Republicans in the House, McCarthy has taken on the challenge of promoting conservative principles… and ensuring that the Republican agenda is given a fair hearing.  McCarthy to Expand House GOP Majority Republicans in the House of Representatives want to win the 2024 elections to keep their majority. To do this, they need funding to run their campaigns.   …

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McCarthy Tackles Biden’s Border Crisis Head-on

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is moving to find a solution to the border crisis that the Biden administration has caused…  As the border problem worsened, McCarthy knew that acting quickly was essential. He has lots of experience dealing with challenging political issues and is in an excellent position to fix this.  McCarthy is focused on ensuring the border is safe for Americans… and that people who come to the US looking for a better life are treated fairly and kindly. His dedication to solving this crisis shows how much he…

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Republican Leaders Decided to Support McCarthy to Be House Speaker

Kevin McCarthy became the official Speaker of the House. Republicans in the US House of Representatives inducted a historic new member. After all the disputes from last year… our Republican leaders decided to support their fellow conservatives. They have put all their differences aside and acted as one party… McCarthy Becomes House Speaker In the end, no Republican voted against McCarthy… which was the closest thing to GOP unity seen for a while. McCarthy said after the victorious vote, “I hope one thing is clear after this week: I will…

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Republicans of the House Freedom Caucus Stops McCarthy’s Ascension as House Speaker

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is determined to run to become the next House Speaker. However, we all know he’s a RINO (Republican in Name Only) who is up to no good. Republican lawmakers are doing their best to stop the RINO from taking over. Republicans Lawmakers Oppose McCarthy to Become House Speaker Republicans of the House Freedom Caucus oppose McCarthy’s ascension to be the next House speaker. Freedom Caucus lawmakers told Fox News that they want the demo-rat to start getting serious about concessions on these rules… or risk losing…

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