Senator Mark Warner Highlights Concerns Over AI’s Effects

Experts warn of the possible damages that could stem from artificial intelligence (AI). They state that these technologies can inflict harm on workers’ mental health. The growing utilization of AI systems in different sectors is giving rise to feelings of anxiety among workers. This occurrence could potentially result in adverse effects on their overall welfare. AI Could Hurt Workers’ Mental Health? According to a recent report from Fox, AI’s introduction into the workplace has resulted in:7 As companies rely more heavily on AI systems to automate tasks previously performed by…

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The Biden Administration Has Ruined Our Labor Economy

The Biden administration continues to mismanage our labor economy. It’s gone from bad to worse over the last several months… A few months ago, we saw how Biden’s unemployment bonus destroyed our country’s work ethic… and how it bred lazy Americans.  We’ve also seen how the administration forcibly implemented their vaccine mandates on Big Tech employees, healthcare workers, and military veterans.  Now we’re seeing the effects of their actions on America. Let’s go, Brandon!  This December, corporate layoffs are falling to their lowest in almost 30 years… as the US…

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