McCarthy Tackles Biden’s Border Crisis Head-on

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is moving to find a solution to the border crisis that the Biden administration has caused…  As the border problem worsened, McCarthy knew that acting quickly was essential. He has lots of experience dealing with challenging political issues and is in an excellent position to fix this.  McCarthy is focused on ensuring the border is safe for Americans… and that people who come to the US looking for a better life are treated fairly and kindly. His dedication to solving this crisis shows how much he…

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Immigration is Hopeless Under Biden Administration

The immigration court backlog has risen from 1.2 million to 2.0 million cases… under the Biden administration. Almost 800,000 asylum applications are pending, and an average wait of 4.3 years for hearings. Biden’s Border Crisis Worsens This Year The majority of illegal crossers are not:  Put in detention facilities; Or expelled under Title 42 Instead, they are processed for outcomes… allowing them to be released into the United States. To address this issue, a new Dedicated Docket was announced on May 28th, 2021. It intends to expeditiously and fairly make…

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White House Press Secretary Unable to Properly Address Border Crisis

The White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, continues to disappoint America with her performance…  She may wear a smile as she stands beside a crumbled podium every morning. However, that is no excuse for undermining integrity by burying truths.  Jean-Pierre’s False Claims on the Border During a press briefing, the demo-rat defended the Biden administration’s response to the border crisis. She asserted that they have been working to secure the border since day one. Jean-Pierre said, “We continue to see political stunts from many Republicans out there. That’s not how…

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Rep. Tenney Creates a Bill that Redirects IRS Funding to Border Security

The borders are becoming increasingly out of control due to the actions of the dems. They do not care about safety or security, only their own political agenda. We need to take back our country and protect our citizens. They’re the ones who are allowing these people into the country illegally. It’s time for them to take responsibility and fix the mess they’ve created. Biden’s Border Crisis is Out of Control The US-Mexico border encounters of unaccompanied migrant children have jumped to 267,000 since Biden took office. Fox News reported,…

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Gov. Greg Abbott Buses Illegal Migrants to New York, D.C., and Chicago

As midterm elections approach… border security is currently one of the top priorities on the mind of GOP voters. According to CNN’s data, 748 migrants died at the border. It surpassed the previous high of more than 200 victims.  The liberals just can’t help themselves. Despite all evidence that their policies are failing, they continue to make the border crisis worse. It’s almost as if they want to see our country fail. They have been so steeped in their own ideology that they can’t see what’s happening right before them.…

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