CDC Votes to Add Covid-19 Vaccine to Immunization Schedules for Children  and Adults

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to approve the CDC’s new recommended immunization schedules. Specifically for adults and children for 2023.  The vote was unanimous, with 15 in favor and none against it. Moreover, the recommended schedule advises children to start getting doses of the Covid-19 vaccine when they are six months old. CDC Wants to Vaccinate More Children and Adults, Patriot Leaders Not Impressed A spokesperson from CDC told Fox News that regardless of how the ACIP votes, their decision…

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Liberals Encourage Parents to Vaccinate Children 6 Months and Older

The twisted dems are still determined to force our children to get the Covid-19 vaccine. They disregard the concerns of parents who want to keep their loved ones safe. This is yet another example of the left’s complete disregard for human life. No wonder our conservatives continue to lose faith in the dems’ politicized science.  Since June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that children as young as 6 months old should be vaccinated. They’re recommending this age group get shots from Pfizer and Moderna. Meanwhile,…

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Covid-19 Vaccines for Children Under Five To be Available by Late June

The dems continue to impose their forceful Covid-19 vaccine mandates on us. We’ve seen them: Risk the livelihoods of the airline, healthcare, and Big Tech employees Attempt to steal benefits from unvaccinated veterans Waste government funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Force Covid-19 mandates on pregnant women Require children ages 5-11 to get vaccinated Now, these twisted liberals want to vaccinate children under five years old. These doses may be designed for Covid-19… but it’s not for this age group. Giving these shots to kids doesn’t make sense…

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President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate in Pennsylvania

The twisted dems continue their power play in the health industry, especially with their forceful vaccine and mask mandates. So far, we’ve seen: An NYC employee getting fired for questioning her mayor on toddler mask mandates Kamala Harris not wear a mask when she visited a school in D.C. despite imposing the mandates The administration wasting federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Dr. Anthony Anthony Fauci’s involvement with the origins of the virus The liberals require vaccine mandates on children ages 5-11 and pregnant women Biden attempting…

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LA Sherrif Slams County’s Decision of Terminating 4,000 Unvaccinated Deputies

Police / Evan Wood / Flickr / December 29, 2008 / CC BY 2.0 The liberal leaders seated in power continue to do a terrible job of managing the crime in America… Several cities across the country faced a major spike in violent crimes. In Los Angeles, police data reported that the city has 2,752 violent crimes this year. It’s over a 4% increase from 2020… Despite the surging crime rate in the city, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion a few weeks ago to terminate…

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