The Administration Spends Billions for Ukraine Without a Clear Goal

Biden is wasting billions of dollars by funding Ukraine without a clear goal. What does he hope to accomplish with this money?

American taxpayers are footing the bill for his reckless spending… 

The dems are splurging billions of dollars by trying to help Ukraine. However, they have no idea what they’re doing, and it’s a complete waste of money.

Biden and Dems Waste Don’t Know How to Help Ukraine Properly

The Senate recently passed a short-term spending bill that aims to:

  • Avert a partial government shutdown when the fiscal year ends
  • Provide another infusion of military and economic aid to Ukraine

The bill passed by a vote of 72-25. Now, it goes to the House for consideration.

Moreover, the US also announced another $625 million in military aid to Kyiv. In a call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy… Biden said the US would never recognize the illegal annexation attempts.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer believes that America is doing a great job in assisting Ukraine. He said, “Seven months since the conflict began, it’s crystal clear that American assistance has gone a long way to helping the Ukrainian people resist [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s evil, vicious aggression. But the fight is far from over.”

In reality, the US isn’t able to help Ukraine properly because they don’t have a clear goal in mind.

Congress Can’t Fund Ukraine Forever Without Biden Having a Concrete Strategy to End War

Fox Reporter Chris Stewart believes Biden is only burning federal funds with his actions toward Ukraine. He has no definite strategy to alleviate the conflict with Russia… despite sending billions of dollars.

Stewart emphasized how the administration keeps aiding Ukraine without any end goal. He said, “With Congress passing an additional $12 billion in Ukraine aid, I believe the time has come to ask a series of critical questions. What is America’s strategy in Ukraine? What is our goal? Can we achieve that goal without pushing Putin to use “all available means” at his disposal?”

He added, “I believe it’s irresponsible to spend $12 billion… and a cumulative total of at least $54 billion… to fund an effort with no defined end. That demands a change in strategy, or, at the very least, the clarification of our strategy.”

The Fox Reporter found that America has no clear role in the war. He said, “The bottom line is that America’s role in this war is far too ambiguous. Too much time passed, and money was spent for our mission to remain unclear. For Biden to leave so many questions unanswered… and for Congress to approve billions of additional taxpayer dollars while they remain unanswered… is a disservice to the people of Ukraine and the United States.”

The sad truth is Congress can’t keep funding Ukraine forever. People’s taxes are not unlimited. Biden has to define a roadmap the American voters can accept. 

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