The Biden Administration Ignores Haiti’s Cry for Help

It’s been almost a month since Haiti’s president Jovenel Moise was assassinated. What will be the future of Haiti’s government and relationship with the US?

Moise was shot 16 times when a group of “professional killers” stormed into his own home. This unfortunate event also seriously injured the first lady Martine Moise. Two US Haitian-Americans were involved in killing the president. 

For most people, this may seem like an unprecedented attack that led to an untimely death. But for those who have been following the politics of the Moise regime, this event isn’t shocking at all.

There have been outcries that Moise should step down from his position as president because his term ended last February 7th. However, the late president claimed that his presidency was meant to last until 2022… 

His refusal to step down led to mass anger and frustration that resulted in public protests and chants of “no dictatorship.”

Among other social and political conflicts, this reason is enough for a frustrated community to rebel against its leader…

The mastermind behind the killing has not yet been confirmed. Some suspect it was the request of presidents from other countries. Others think that the incident was an insider job, where one of the bodyguards was involved.

But one thing is for sure. Haiti’s president is gone… and room for uncertainty grows rampant in his absence.

Haitians think that there will be more chaos because there’s no clear succession of power. It’s up to the people to navigate this new power vacuum and the international community to support and uplift them… as they keep moving forward through troubled waters. 

Haiti has always struggled with dictatorship, US occupation, and a lot of infrastructural struggle. An event similar to this recent assassination happened a century ago…

In 1915, Haitian President Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam was assassinated. The situation in Haiti quickly became unstable. In response, former US dem President Woodrow Wilson sent Marines to Haiti to make it look like they’re avoiding anarchy. But in reality, they only wanted to protect US assets in the area and prevent a possible German invasion.

Ever since then, the dems only cared for their power. 

The Clintons treated Haiti as a business venture, only seeking ways to make a profit under the guise of redeveloping the country’s dying economy. It served to their benefit… but it left the people of Haiti struggling.

Now, Biden is doing the same… ignoring Haiti only to focus on the US power.

Haiti’s interim government asked the US for help by deploying troops when faced with this crisis. However, Biden signaled that he was not open to the request… because he’s drawing down US forces in Afghanistan this summer.

“We’re only sending American Marines to our embassy. The idea of sending American forces to Haiti is not on the agenda.” Biden said.

Biden and the US government should consider assisting Haiti with governance for the next ten years. Because the country is unable to govern itself properly…

It’s sad to see the country being thrown into uncertainty once again, and the Biden administration isn’t willing to help. Moise’s assassination leaves Haiti with an unstable government and an increasingly frustrated population.

As long as the dems have the power, they’ll just do what’s beneficial for them. And it’s not helping at all…

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4 Thoughts to “The Biden Administration Ignores Haiti’s Cry for Help”

  1. NancyJ

    If what I read is correct, the Clinton Foundation kept 97% of donations for Haiti and promptly spent a huge amount on Chelsea’s wedding. If this is true, they should be made to come up with that 97%. It doesn’t belong to them and Haiti sure could use it.



  3. Americafirst

    Wait just a minute! Haiti? Haiti may be asking for help, but what about America? We are being taxed to death and more taxes are being made for us. We have no money to give to other countries. There is billions of dollars available but not for us. Senate and Congress makes sure we don’t see that money and when they do designate money for funds, a lot of it some how magically ends up in their own bank accounts. America needs to stop sending money to other countries. We are in dire straights right now and cannot afford to take care of other countries unless those countries are willing to become new states in the United States of America. That will never happen so Haiti should be on their own. America is not other countries banks. We cannot help other countries until we help our own country first. If this sounds cruel to any of you, then I feel sorry for you, too! Are you willing to give up more of what you have when you are all about to lose everything you have anyway just to help out poorer countries and make them rich? Damn!

  4. Lawrence "Dutch" Keen

    So, so-called Haitian Americans killed the president of Haiti and now those same people are demanding that something be done! Are they crazy? Haiti is a crappy place, the residents have been on the dole for years, they make no goods or services, and if the place fell into the Atlantic, only the people from the Dominican Republic would care.

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