The Dems Want to Diminish The Power of Our Voting Rights

Voters along Brooklyn’s Church Avenue during the 2008 presidential election. Photo by April Sikorski via Wikipedia

A Controversial guest essay was published in the NY Times with the headline “There Is No Good Reason” a person should be required to become an American Citizen in order to vote in the US elections.  

The journalist in question Atossa Araxia Abrahamian (a Swiss immigrant) argued that because non-citizens live legally in the US and “contribute as much” to American life as natural-born Americans, they should also have a say in “matters of politics and policy.”

She called on lawmakers to lift voting restrictions on legal residents who aren’t American citizens including green card holders, those on work visas, and DACA recipients.

Both the written piece by Abrahamian and the liberal newspaper have been under fire since and referred to as an “enemy of America” by several critics who took to social media to voice their concerns.

Liberal cities across the country are slowly joining the list of places allowing non-citizens voting rights in local elections, but we know that it won’t stop there if we do nothing… 

NYC lawmakers just announced a bill known as “Our City, Our Vote” that would make the city the largest in the country to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. 

The bill proposed by lawmakers would extend the right to vote to more than 800,000 people who are green card holders or have a legal working visa in the U.S. 

Outgoing mayor Bill De Blasio has some mixed opinions about this bill, saying that the voting law “has to be decided at the state level, according to state law,” and that allowing non-citizens voting rights might lessen their desire to become a full citizen at all… 

On the other hand, De Blasio’s successor Eric Adams has different opinions about it. Adams sees the bill as the next step for the growth of New York, “We cannot be a beacon to the world and continue to attract the global talent, energy, and entrepreneurship that has allowed our city to thrive for centuries if we do not give immigrants a vote in how this city is run and what our priorities are for the future.”

This bill is expected to be approved by Dec 9, making New York City the largest municipality in the country to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. 

What do you think? Should we allow voting rights to people who don’t even have Citizenship? Are we tarnishing the value of American Citizenship by allowing green cards and visa holders to vote in our elections? 

Answer the poll below and tell us your HONEST OPINION:

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One Thought to “The Dems Want to Diminish The Power of Our Voting Rights”

  1. Catherine

    If People are here but not a citizen then they should NOT vote until they are a citizen!
    Are they even applying? Where does their loyalty show?

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