The Georgia Election is More Important than You Think

In just a few hours, we’ll be seeing the early results from the Georgia senate runoff, the first post-election senate race – and potentially one of the most crucial political events of 2021…

As two Republican senators face down their dem opponents, today’s election could change it all.

And even though the polling may not look positive, there may not be a reason to panic. Here’s why…

According to the latest polls, Senators Perdue and Loeffler might be facing a very tough fight today. Even now, practically no pollster is willing to predict how today’s elections will turn out – though the usual suspects are still overvaluing the dems chances.

With today’s election set to determine the entire balance of the senate (potentially overturning the current seat-thin Republican majority), it’s not surprising that millions have already cast their votes.

In just a few hours, we’ll have as close to a full answer as possible – just a day before the Electoral College decides what happens for the next four years.

Even if the liberal polling isn’t completely wrong, it’s not necessarily a disaster…

The fact is, in some ways, a Republican loss might not be as bad as it seems. While the candidates in Georgia may be able to talk the talk, they’re not necessarily being truthful when claiming to stand behind President Trump.

After all, you know exactly what’s been happening in Georgia over the last few months. It’s not just the leaking of President Trump’s call with election official Brad Raffensperger…

Georgia governor Brian Kemp point-blank refused to help Trump, deciding not to do anything in response to the President’s requests for a special session.

Are Senators Perdue and Loeffler really on President Trump’s side, or are they just two more RINOs? The clock’s running out – we’ll find out very soon.

Given all that, even a double loss might not be as bad as it sounds – it would give the Georgian GOP a chance to actually start listening to their constituents and start standing behind Trump, even if it takes a few years for them to get back on track…

And as we’ve seen so many times, the inter-party conflicts and ineffectual leadership of the Dems mean that them having a tiny majority is far less dangerous than it might sound.

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