Top Dem Cuomo Accused of Sexual Harassment

Not content with racking up an untold number of deaths in nursing homes across New York, dem governor Andrew Cuomo now stands accused of sexual harassment.

Here’s what Cuomo’s former aide had to say about his behavior… and why even dems are demanding that Cuomo step down immediately. 

Probably the single best example of the media’s bias towards democrats, Andrew Cuomo has been praised in just about every part of the mainstream media for months, with his media allies going above and beyond to celebrate Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic…

From the Emmy award he was given for his press briefings to the self-serving book he wrote about how he ‘solved’ the pandemic, you might be forgiven for thinking Andrew Cuomo was a competent governor.

Unless you looked into the facts, that is. 

Far from fixing the pandemic, Cuomo has racked up one of the highest death tolls of any state in the US, and actively conspired to cover up just how many deaths he caused by sending COVID-infected patients into nursing homes.

Now, one of Cuomo’s former aides has bravely come on the record about his grotesque sexual harassment of her…

Writing yesterday, Lindsey Boylan, former chief of staff for Cuomo, accused Cuomor of groping her, forcing a kiss on her, and frequently attempting to sexually humiliate her.

As she explains, Cuomo’s behavior was ‘pervasive harassment’, with the governor apparently going out of his way to harass multiple women assigned to his department.

With Cuomo’s alleged behavior now public knowledge, and an FBI investigation into his treatment of nursing homes looming, he’s faced call after call to resign, even from his former dem allies.

Instead of doing the right thing and getting out, Cuomo’s tried to force everyone standing against him into silence, exploiting his media connections to stop anyone hearing the truth about his actions…

Just look at dem assemblyman Ron Kim for an example of Cuomo’s hostility. 

Having spent months trying to get the media to pay attention to Cuomo’s despicable policies, Kim got in touch with the New York Post to condemn Cuomo’s actions, correctly pointing out that the governor had ‘blood on his hands’.

Cuomo immediately called Kim, and, in an unhinged call, threatened to ‘destroy’ the assemblyman, claiming that Kim ‘hadn’t seen his wrath’…

The call speaks for itself…

What kind of lunatic decides to threaten someone like that? According to several anonymous lawmakers, it’s a hobby of Cuomo’s… at least three more people have accused him of threatening to use his power to ruin their careers, just because they spoke up against him.

The simple fact is, Cuomo needs to go for his mishandling of the pandemic, for his sexual harrassment, and for his mafia-like intimidation of anyone who stands against his actions.

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