Trump Starts the Year Strong Despite Dems’ Oppositions

This year, Donald Trump is making his move. Again, the dems feel threatened by a man who isn’t bound by their politics. 

Trump is a beacon of Republican values… and he’s unafraid to stand up against Congressional oppression and cruelty. The left greedily wishes him to stop as soon as possible! 

Trump Slams Journalists Who Broke Supreme Courts’ Draft on Abortion Decision

Former President Trump is calling for jailing journalists who published a leaked draft opinion… showing the Supreme Court was poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Politico reporters Josh Gerstein and Alexander Ward reported on this draft opinion. It was penned by Justice Samuel Alito last spring, sparking outrage from congressional Republicans and conservative media figures… that it had been leaked before an official decision was handed down.

The court released a report detailing its investigation into the leak. It indicates it could not identify who provided information to Politico about Alito’s memo. Trump suggested whoever did so should be put in jail until they reveal their source.

Trump wrote on his Truth Social, “They’ll never find out, and it’s important that they do. So, go to the reporter & ask [them] who it was. If not answered, put whoever in jail until the answer is given. You might add the editor and publisher to the list.”

Federal Judge Sanctions Trump for Misuse of the Courts?

A federal judge in Florida sanctioned Trump and his legal team more than $900,000. It alleges them for misusing the court to pursue political interests.

“This case should never have been brought. Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the start. No reasonable lawyer would have filed it. Intended for a political purpose, none of the counts of the amended complaint stated a cognizable legal claim,” US District Judge Donald Middlebrooks, an appointee of former President Clinton, wrote in the order. The case at hand had previously been dismissed. 

“A continuing pattern of misuse of the courts by Mr. Trump and his lawyers undermines the rule of law. It portrays judges as partisans [and] diverts resources… from those who have suffered actual legal harm,” the judge continued in the searing order.  

The order noted signs such as boastful rhetoric, disregard for principles, attacks on media, and accusations of bias… when rulings are adverse. It also described Trump as “the mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process.”

Despite all opposition against Trump, our patriots are still here to support him…

2024 Republican presidential contenders are struggling to break into a field. Right now, it’s dominated by President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Keith Naughton, a veteran Republican strategist, shared his thoughts on this matter. He said, “I think they’re all looking for something. None of them have anything. None of these candidates seem to have a clear opening right now.”

Early polling shows Trump and DeSantis easily topping the list of 2024 contenders. Other potential candidates have yet to make an impact in polls or among grassroots Republicans.

Despite this early advantage for Trump and DeSantis, legal issues surrounding Trump could change things over time. Ultimately, Republican voters will be looking for someone to beat Biden in November 2024.

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  1. […] President Trump is finally back on Facebook and Instagram after getting banned for two years. […]

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