Voters Integrity Hangs in The Balance

Last year’s election is rumored to have 275,000 potential fraudulent votes from Arizona alone. President Trump and his team needed to verify this information by conducting a forensic audit.

However, Paul Boyer continues to obstruct the forensic audit… and he’s doing it with everything in his power. He’s been delaying the audit for months. 

This caught our president’s attention… and he felt that he had to expose him.

Trump called Boyer a RINO (Republican in Name Only). It’s used to describe GOP lawmakers who break from the party on certain issues.

He wrote a statement from his Save America PAC, “Republican Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer, a RINO if there ever was one, is doing everything in his power to hold up the damning Forensic Audit of Maricopa County which has been taking place over the last 90 days. The people of Arizona are demanding it. Boyer has been nothing but trouble, and nobody knows why. All we demand is Voter Integrity!”

We can expect both dems and RINOs to block these forensic audits in Arizona. Fortunately, we have President Trump calling out these fraudsters… and wanting to see a whole lot more of it. This persistence shows his boldness as a true leader fighting for integrity.

If there is nothing to hide, then why does Boyer have to obstruct the forensic audit? The truth will always come out in the end.

There’s a high chance that every person trying to impede and stop these audits has a hand in election fraud and is doing everything in their power to prevent being exposed… 

Only guilty people hide the evidence.

Rattled with President Trump’s sharp statements, Boyer fired back on Twitter where Trump is no longer active. 

Boyer sounded like a liberal making a blanket statement with no point. He was just blaming our president for other issues.

The despicable RINO said, “Had Trump built the wall as he promised, perhaps he could’ve prevented the 40k #BambooBallots from being imported into Arizona. And if he hadn’t started an insurrection in D.C. and gotten kicked off here, I could’ve responded directly to him. So there’s that.”

But despite President Trump’s effort to expose Boyer, the mainstream media and dems would still claim that Trump is giving false claims against this RINO.

They also believe that the ”forensic audit” in Arizona is being run by a bunch of pro-Trump zealots who have lied in the past and are lying during the audit. 

The reason why these twisted dems and RINOs are doing everything they can to ruin President Trump is that they see him as a big threat. They don’t want the truth to be exposed… so that they still have the upper hand in politics. 

Fortunately, this won’t be enough to bring our country’s true leader down…

For us, President Trump’s bold actions against Boyer show that we still have a chance to make America great again. All we have to do is to support him in whatever way we can.

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8 Thoughts to “Voters Integrity Hangs in The Balance”

  1. Edward The Veteran Long Ago

    Tell all of those Senate Rinos and the Democrats to empty their bank accounts, and the Maybe Pres. Biden too…to empty their accounts to pay for the Bogus Infrastructure Bill, instead of the TAX PAYERS !!!

  2. James

    boyer is a Liberal Clown show.

  3. Robert Taylor

    By the time these counts get finished it will be time for the next election and new methods will have been put in place so they do not lose it either. Let’s face it the country is going to be destroyed from all sides so it is not a symbol of freedom thus allowing global takeover of the financial systems. That will also be the end of freedom as we had known years ago.

  4. Michael Phillips

    Mike phillips to Paul boyer get the hell out of arizona trump did build the wall and trump did not cause the insurrection nancy Pelosi did Paul you can walk off that cliff with fake joe biden you are a rhino a piece of shit and we the people will have you out of office by 2022 so byby

  5. james henry james

    The real facts never ever change! To quote Democrat Chuck Schumer! If there was nothing to find. Democrats would be demanding that anybody and everybody check their work! So why are all the Democrats spending millions in legal fees to try and stop anybody from checking????????? Just look what they found with the little they looked! Just think what we would find if we looked at every state. Who took Zuckerburger’s money? And what did they do for it? Why is the Democrat fighting so hard and spending so much to stop the looking? Why is Dominion afraid to have their machines checked if there is nothing to find? Two state have introduced legislation to change the vote as they have found enough fraud! What would we find if we checked them all???????

  6. The Count

    Yes I have said it over and over because you decide to not post my comments @@!!!
    Am I dp direct in my opinion ions for you to not post????

  7. Tom Streets

    If we could have a truly forensic audit of ALL STATES ; Donald Trump might have won the Presidential election in November of 2030 by ten million votes, maybe even more !!!

  8. Tom Streets

    (2020, not 2030.)

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