Was It the Meat Industry’s Fault? – the dems turn the meat industry into their scapegoat

The White House thinks the meat industry is colluding. They’re blaming them for raising the prices of their products and profiting off the pandemic… when in fact, these demo rats are the ones who caused severe price inflation in the first place… 

These guys seem to think that there’s some “profit-sharing” going on in the meat industry. But in reality, the administration accused the meat industry… because they simply wanted to deny the truth behind what was actually causing prices to rise.

Former White House trade adviser under Donald Trump – Peter Navarro – shared his valuable insights and exposed these twisted leftists. With his decades of economic experience, he revealed why:

  • The price increase is not the meat industry’s fault 
  • The real reason behind the rise of meat prices in our country

Navarro had an interview with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling. He stated the facts and said, “We had instances of price gouging… which we cracked down on immediately. [However,]this [the increase of meat prices] is not that. As tough as I might be on big agriculture and big agribusiness, they’re not the villains in this piece.” He first clarifies that the meat industry isn’t involved in any “profit-sharing,”… as the leftists declared.

The actual cause of the increase in meat prices is several economic forces. Not the meat industry itself. Navarro added, “There’s just a complex set of economic forces bearing down on this country at the supply and the demand.” 

Then he continued that the labor force – affected by the pandemic – is one factor. “The thing that I worry about, particularly in the food industry, is the labor situation. This is a very dangerous occupation during the height of the pandemic. When I was in the White House, they had a very high rate of infection. And so I’m sure that the agribusiness folks are fighting that, to begin with.” Navarro said.

Navarro also mentioned feed prices as another factor. He said, “We’ve also got feed prices going up dramatically. That has to do a lot with weather conditions and drought.”

Then, he also raised our complicated relationship with China, “We’ve got China… These ransomware attacks were coming in. Specifically interested in targeting our food and agricultural sector.” 

The Biden administration never did a great job in connecting with them. China even bought a lot of our meat production. They own Smithfield Foods… one of our biggest producers in the country.

He also added the swine flu from China, “You can see it now just following through… is China’s swine flu in the pork industry. Millions upon millions of pigs were slaughtered… and so the Chinese at the demand level is driving up the price of bacon.”

Bolling also shared his thoughts and mentioned that fuel plays a significant role in the meat price increase. “Another cost buried into everything… including producing meat… is fuel.” It’s essential to aid workers and keep them efficient during meat production.

Lastly, Navarro mentioned economic officials for not seeing the bigger picture right away. He said, “The highest-ranking economic official… [are] not fundamentally understanding the underlying market forces creating this problem. If [they] can’t understand those forces, [they] can’t address them.”

During the whole interview session of Navarro and Bolling, they proved that the price increase was not the meat industry’s fault. These were mostly external factors affecting the economy’s supply and demand:

  • Labor force
  • Weather conditions
  • Our relationship with China
  • Swine Flu
  • Incompetent economic officials

The administration was clueless about the external factors that started the problem. Unsurprisingly, they immediately put someone to blame… but it’s still a terrible sight to behold.

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