What Really Happened During the Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting

A police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shoots a black man named Jacob Blake seven times from behind… leaving him partially paralyzed. Two days later, civil protests unfolded in the area.

During the protest, there was a teenager carrying an assault rifle. He used it to: 

  • Kill a man (Joseph Rosenbaum) who was said to be chasing him… who just underwent mental health treatment 
  • Shoot a man (Anthony Hubert) dead in the chest… who hit the teenager with a skateboard after Rosenbaum was killed
  • Shoot the arm of a paramedic (Gaige Kroskuetz) who pointed a gun at him… for killing the two men mentioned above

The shooter, 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse – who was 17 at the time – pulled his first trigger when he heard a gunshot nearby… while he was being chased by Rosenbaum.

Now, he’s standing trial on charges of murder this November. The case focuses on the few crucial minutes around the fatal shootings on August 25 of 2020… when the protest happened.

Rittenhouse insisted that he didn’t do anything wrong. He said that he didn’t use deadly force to protect property… only to defend himself. 

Ryan Balch is a military veteran who was in the shooting incident. He understands that Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum because of self-defense. He said, “Had I been in the shoes of getting chased, and then I heard a gunshot. I can’t say that I would have done anything differently.”

Biden immediately labeled Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist” because of this incident. He judged the teenager without seeing all the facts first.

There may be a lot of people who aren’t in favor of Rittenhouse’s actions. But there are still people who understand that what the teenager did was for his protection…

Biden’s remarks had Republican Senator Tom Cotton furious. He said in an interview, “I want to focus on what Joe Biden said last year, which is calling this young man a ‘white supremacist’ based on a few seconds of video. As I often say, when there’s a shooting like this, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions based on some footage circulating on social media. You should allow all the facts to be collected and make a reasoned judgment.”

Then he added, “But when Joe Biden called Kyle Rittenhouse a ‘white supremacist’ last year, it was just the go-to move of the Democrats. They do this all the time when they’re losing an argument on the merits… They are constantly losing arguments with the American people, and then they just revert to name-calling up towards their opponents. It’s not a sign of a party that is strong or healthy.”

Professor Emeritus of Harvard Law School Alan Dershowitz also shared his thoughts about the Rittenhouse shooting incident. He didn’t blame the teenager for everything, unlike what Biden did.

Dershowitz said, “Well if he hadn’t gone there with a gun, he would probably be dead. Every American has the right to protest, understandably, somebody would bring a gun for self-defense. Now look, it would be better if nobody brought guns to protest if everybody just used their voices. But that’s not the reality…”

Then he added, “He’s a kid; he wanted to go to a protest. Give him a break, give them an understanding, you know, whether he’s guilty or not, the jury will determine.”

It’s still unclear who the good guys and bad guys were that night. The fact is all those people would probably be alive if they hadn’t chased Rittenhouse.

Balch was asked who to blame during an interview. He said, “Who are the good guys or the bad guys that night? I don’t think there were any. The militia guys and the protesters were just individuals stuck in that situation… and we’re doing the best they could with this.”

Jurors in the Rittenhouse trial recently declared that Kyle was not guilty on all counts, saving him from a mandatory life sentence. 

After the trial concluded, Kyle appeared in an interview with Tucker Carlson where he shared his view of the whole case. Rittenhouse told Carlson, “This case has nothing to do with race. It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense.”

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2 Thoughts to “What Really Happened During the Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting”

  1. Daniel Paul Piotrowicz

    The right to “self-defense”. Not Guilty! A “Good” Call by the jury.

  2. Daniel Paul Piotrowicz

    The right to “Self-Defense”. Pronounced: Not Guilty! Good, honest and fair call by the Jury!

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