Who REALLY Wants to Defund the Police?

If there’s one thing the dems are good at, it’s blaming others for their mistakes while the media tells everyone that they’re the ‘good guys’. 

The newest hot topic is that the Republican party wants to defund the police…

Naturally this is coming from the left, who are trying to cover their tracks after a rising surge of violent crimes has swept the nation. 

Fact of the matter is that the Republicans have been fighting to refund the police for a while now… 

Rep Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) defended the Republican party, saying that it’s “the party of law and order, defending the police, and we will always proudly stand with our men and women in blue. The american people know very clearly that the democrats have led the dangerous and destructive agenda to defund the police causing today’s crime crisis in America.”

Biden and the White House left everyone speechless when they had the audacity to accuse the GOP of wanting to defund the police. The white house press secretary Jen Psaki tried to spin a manipulative narrative claiming that the latest COVID-19 package would be used to boost funding for law enforcement, a notion that the left failed to mention during the bill’s passing. 

But now, after seeing the severity of their mistakes, the dems are looking for a scape-goat that they can pin the blame on… by simply lying about their words.

There’s a reason that we are seeing more ‘blue lives matter’, and that’s because these communities are crying out for help from their local law enforcement. 

Tim Scott (R-S.C) was smart to point out that “the facts are simple. Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and New York, all Baltimore, all have defunded the police. What we’ve seen is a 40 percent increase in violent crime in major cities because the Democrats have been defunding the police for the last year.” 

In the first half of the year since Biden was sworn in, America has witnessed crisis after crisis. From the border crisis, cyber attacks, rising inflation, and now violence and crime running rampant in cities across the country.

Just this past weekend Chicago saw the highest reported shootings, becoming the most violent weekend of the year to date for the windy city…

The white house insisted that curbing gun violence is key to tamping down a “staggering” surge of crime.

Biden also failed to mention the cause of rising crime in a recent public announcement. Instead he just pushed a mediocre crime prevention strategy that fails to make the dems accountable .

He outlined several components with a focus on our second amendment rights strengthening background checks to banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. He also called for a boost in community policing. 

Fox News host Jesse Watters called Biden out for his lack of awareness. He failed to mention “black on black crime, gangs, drugs, or families” as the source of rising crime. Biden also disregarded the defunding of the police movement, bail reform, and soft district attorneys as potential contributors to surging gun violence 

It’s apparent that the dems will say whatever they want to ‘please the people’ ignoring the consequences, and without owning up to their own mistakes.

Americans are losing faith in the law’s ability to keep them safe, and when that happens, they take it upon themselves to protect themselves and their families… 

“all we have to do is enforce the law on the books,  when the streets aren’t safe, the citizens arm themselves because they don’t trust the law to protect them” citizens all over the country are losing trust in the people we out in positions of power,” Watters said when asked about how we can rectify this growing problem.  

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17 Thoughts to “Who REALLY Wants to Defund the Police?”

  1. Ken Frazier

    Red or yellow, Black or White. All lives matters in God’s sight

  2. Debbie Jones

    Everybody knows the Democrats are defunding the police! It is cities and states held by the democrats that the murder, rape, stealing, and burning take place. They reap what they sow!!
    I think the police in democrat held cities and states should walk out! Defunding police leaves them lawless and the socialists Dems deserve it!

  3. Wilddog

    The democrat party has always leaned socialist, but it’s been taken over by communist and now the party is hard line communist. They say democrat socialist but there’s no such thing. It’s communism and they look at Joe Stalin as some kind of a hero. They want to defund the police and replace them with a Gestopo.

  4. OldGoat

    Exactly correct

  5. gary johnson

    the only one that wants to defund the police are the criminals. get back our police force, get rid of all aholes that tell them to back down and get our country back. A cop I know said that they get rid off most crimes in a few months if then stupid aholes in the cities would let them.

  6. Mick Addington

    You will certainly be sorry if this occurs…

  7. Foster Johns

    Lose the police and lose everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!▪︎

  8. Jerry Hughes

    The police are the only that is keeping the liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ticks, Antifa and BLM alive.
    It willl be fun to see how many of them get killed before they start whining to get their police back.

  9. Victoria Baldwin

    We love our police and are very grateful for them! It is unthinkable to “lose the police”!!!

  10. Lillian M Billingsley

    We will be glad when evil Democrats are Gone

  11. The Angler

    I have found it totally AMUSING that these BILLION DOLLAR Media Companies are spending their money for EDITORS and JOURNALIST who do not understand BASIC JOURNALISM or PSYCHOLOGY! The reason for that statement is simple, the average American Citizen has a BRAIN (not saying everyone uses it) and can see with their own eye where all of the DEFUNDING OF THE POLICE has OCCURRED, ALL in DEMOCRATIC CONTROLLED STATES and CITIES! Have not seen even ONE REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED STATE o CITY call for DEFUNDING THE POLICE, in fact in many areas they have INCREASED POLICE FUNDING.
    Beginning to think that these JOURNALIST and DEMOCRATS are living in a PARALLEL WORLD because they are TOTALLY OUT OF TOUCH with the AMERICAN CITIZEN!
    Just my opinion.

  12. Mark Randall

    I find it amazing democrats want to defund the police. The democrat voters keep putting them there, what’s worse they keep voting democrat, you can’t make this up. If you’re not careful they will own your ass!!! and there will be no where to go, we are free now, your liberty and freedom is at risk and you don’t even know that’s how it happened, when you lose it you never get it back. I support the police with out them we are all in trouble.

  13. Kelli Armstrong

    Law and order are not self sustaining, because there are always those who will break the law if there is no restraint. The best defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. A dedicated police force gives us good guys with guns to enforce the laws the patriotic citizens vote for. The reason patriots shout be allowed to carry, is so there is a good guy, with a gun, in case the police can’t get there soon enough, or even a good guy with a gun for back up if not enough police are available. In either of those cases, the police officer must be the one in charge, and the citizen should be quick and willing to obey orders.



  15. Lena Lorenzo


  16. John Decker

    The Dems are trying to help criminals commit crimes so they can point to “evil guns” as the root of all crime. That’s all all they need for their idiot followers to vote the 2nd Amendment out of existence, even though a vote isn’t enough, it requires a Constitutional Amendment. But the Dems don’t care, they’ll lie, cheat, and steal to get their way, and the Constitution will go on the trash heap of history, along with all the guns that stand between the law abiding citizens and Socialism. And with them will go the only free nation on Earth. As the man said over two hundred years ago, you have a Republic, if you can keep it.

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