Will Omicron Cancel Christmas in America?

As Omicron surges across the country and COVID cases rise with the onset of winter, several countries across the world are wondering whether or not they should cancel Christmas…

Government leaders are calling for tiger restrictions and mandates – California has announced a statewide mask mandate calling for residents to wear a mask when indoors in all public spaces.

In the last 2 ½ + weeks, COVID cases have risen by 50% in the U.S; CDC officials are saying that this could be the start of the winter jump in COVID cases. 

On the east coast, New York is also pursuing similar mandates, requiring masks in indoor public spaces, with the only exception as a setting where everyone inside must be vaccinated. 

In addition to the winter surge in cases, the newest Omicron variant has people scared, as it spreads faster than any other variant so far across the globe. 

Britain recently recorded their first death diagnosed with the Omicron variant, and it’s left government officials in Britain wondering whether they should cancel all large Christmas events and celebrations.

In a Twitter thread by Dr. Tom Frieden (a former CDC Director) comments on the possibility that although Omicron may cause less severe illness, there is still a lot to learn. 

Dr. Mark Ghaly, the California health, and human services secretary commented as well on the recent resurgence of mask mandates in light of the spreading COVID variant. 

“Even a 10% increase in indoor masking can reduce case transmission significantly,” Ghaly said. “Wearing a mask is going to be one of the most important things to help us get through this period of uncertainty.”

Are these mandates just another part of the Biden Administration plans to control us? Should we be canceling Christmas – a time for joy and hope – in light of the spread of Omicron, and the continued dominance of the Delta variant? 

We want to hear your true concerns – should Christmas be Cancelled AGAIN? 

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