Nepotism Strikes Again – Hunter Biden Plans Book

Despite the ongoing investigation into his taxes, and his vast array of ‘key board positions’ in any number of companies, Hunter Biden seems to have nothing but free time on his hands.

In fact, he’s getting ready to publish his first book – to the cheers of the liberal media…

Here’s why Biden’s book says so much about the media’s softball approach to dems.

After spending his father’s entire presidential campaign hiding away from the media, now that he’s seen the chance to make money off his father’s name, Hunter Biden has picked up a book deal, set to go over his infamous crack addiction (but nothing about the inexplicable business opportunities thrown at him).

Let me ask you a question…

Does anyone really believe Hunter Biden got a book deal because he was a good writer?

If you’ve seen his leaked text messages, you know there’s no way that’s the case.

It’s yet another case of Joe Biden’s son using his family name to gain favors… and the media refusing to say anything about it.

As always, just think about how they treated President Trump’s children. When Ivanka and Donald Jr. published their books, they were met with a storm of complaints – despite Ivanka donating a vast amount of the proceeds to charity.

Instead, Hunter Biden is being praised for his ‘bravery’ in telling his story of addiction…

If he was really brave, he’d admit the truth about everything else.

About how so many of the companies he ‘works for’ in Ukraine and China took him on to get connected with his father…

And whether any of those companies really got what they were looking for. 

Of course, the fact that Biden isn’t doing anything to fight the Opioid Crisis just shows how truly hypocritical the dem leadership are – one rule for family, another rule for everyone else…

In fact, when the Biden family talk about how they hope “others might see themselves in his journey”, they’re spitting in the face of everyone who’s had to deal with real problems – without the support of one of the most powerful men in the world.

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One Thought to “Nepotism Strikes Again – Hunter Biden Plans Book”

  1. I pray for the day these demoncrat crooks -obama-kilARY, slick willie, comey, holder, rice, nurzy paloozi, chump summer, nutless noodler, (fbi, cia, doj, who were their ENABLERS) and now the entire faMILY OF MR. NOT PRESIDENT BIDEN CROOKS are charged prosecuted, fined (take away THEIR LIFETIME PENSIONS) AND, IF NOT PUT BEFORE THE FIRING SQUAD, JAILED. And. especially this action by Mr. no president biden, along with his son, cunter, be strung up in front of an audience in straight jackets, with tattoos on their forheads TRAITORS.

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