Revealed: Hunter Biden’s Connection to the Mob

Do you think it’s right for a President to be 3 steps away from the Mafia?

That’s the question Joe Biden’s supporters should be asked as much as possible.

In a revelation that would be shocking if Hunter Biden’s bizarre ‘business’ deals weren’t already common knowledge, investigators looking into Biden’s deals in China found a concerning connection…

Biden’s partner in the Chinese investment fund Bohai Harvest RST is directly connected to the Mafia.

In fact, he’s the nephew of infamous gangster Whitey Bulger, formerly second place on the FBI’s Most Wanted list for his ties to at least 19 murders, drug racketeering, and any number of other crimes. 

While there’s no proof linking James Bulger to his uncle’s countless crimes, the connection shows, yet again, just how important it is for the American people to get real answers about Hunter Biden’s business deals.

Tied to Ukrainian companies while his father was in charge of relations with the country, tied to Chinese companies when his father was getting ready to run for President, under investigation for tax issues now his father’s in the White House, and tied to a man with mob connections…

All while nursing a serious crack addiction.

Hunter Biden’s business life would look suspicious if he was just a random guy… the fact that his father is the most powerful man in the world makes the problem infinitely worse.

Of course, whenever trying to defend his actions, Hunter Biden’s played the naivety card for far more than it’s worth… 

In an interview with the New Yorker about his 2013 meetings in China, Biden ridiculously argued that there’s no way the diamond he was given by a Chinese contact could be a bribe because:

“What would they be bribing me for? My dad wasn’t in office”.

If you’ve realized how stupid a claim that is, congratulations, you’re smarter than Hunter Biden. Exactly how stupid do you need to be to decide that no one would be interested in bribing the former Vice President? 

You don’t just vanish when you leave a role as big as Vice President… you’re still able to influence people in the party… and in a good spot to run for President.

In other words, exactly the kind of person you’d want to have influence over. 

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27 Thoughts to “Revealed: Hunter Biden’s Connection to the Mob”

  1. Rita Boyle

    Lied about the accident that killed his family, when he falsely accused the truck driver of drinking his lunch.
    Falsely claimed he came from family of coal miners.
    Lied about being under fire when helicopter was grounded due to weather.

  2. Tim hatch

    im not suprised

  3. L

    Hunter and his dad need to be held responsible. They need to be sent to China immediately…Mr. BIDEN needs to be IMPEACHED!!!

  4. Gerry

    You also need to tell the complete story. Try checking just how deep the groping pedophile old man is with the criminal world. Not just the “on the surface crap” — get the real story and then let the fools who voted for the 2 PsOS biden and the former escort tramp just who they voted into office.

    1. Billy Dobbs

      I totally agree with gerry 100% needs to be done ASAP

  5. Oscar V Pearson

    Is that where he gets his drugs and women?

  6. Bill R Medlin

    The whole demoncrat party is a bunch of crooks and always have been, back to Kennedy

    1. JUNE DODD

      Amen! Kennedy stole dead people’s names to use as votes. Dem’s should have been stopped back then.

  7. Blanca Holland

    Wow how deep is this swampy business: I can’t remember but I believe that the cosa nuestro: was trying to get their young men to become suit wearers: so they could move in the government: isn’t the reason for JFK and his brother robert was murdered. After getting elected the mob thought they had 2 government shoe fits: but they wouldn’t play footsies. Now you have good old Joe with his I don’t know,think,or maybe son .

  8. dick

    Its a shame that the wrong Biden son died.

  9. Richard Hull

    I have to ask two serious questions. Would someone explain to me and all law-abiding American citizens why Hunter Biden is not in prison?
    At the same time, please explain to me and all law-abiding American citizens why John Kerry and Kamala Harris have not been arrested for treason?
    These are not dumb questions. I would really love to know.

    1. joan dinnel

      I woud also like to know. they have investigated hunter long enough to have things on him to send him to prison, presidents son will never go to prison pelosis will see to that she needs to be investigated

  10. Joe

    There called the hidenbiden cartel, the whole family is involved, and we have this lying,racist,sexualperv,corrupt puppet, installed by the deep state, and obuthead shadow government, destroying our country. He is unfit,unqualified,unstable,unhinged,puppet, laying waste to America,with open borders, u spineless, repukes, better get it together and stop this deranged,buffoon, before he gets us nuked into the dark ages. This guy isn’t mentally fit to lead anything,especially this country. The world thinks this guy is the laughing stockof the world, a complete embarrassment, leader of the free, borderless, country. Joe got to go.

  11. Robert E. Altee

    Take a good look at the Biden family. Hunter Biden was and still is, a drug addict. He has proven how immoral he is by copulating with young 14 year old girls – one was his niece -, having sex episodes with various women when married to his deceased brother’s wife, he continuously used his father’s political status in order to get a job with unlawful Ukrainian and questionable Chinese Government officials – receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars for nothing other than involving his willing father to use his political status to help Hunter’s foreign friends. Then look at Biden’s brother. He has been involved with illegal activities for many years, even working with Hunter to assist communist China to get a larger foothold in the USA. He has swindled tens of thousands of dollars. Other members of the Biden Clan are deeply involved in unlawful activities. It appears that the only member of the Biden family who was not a corrupt, disgraceful, lawless, scoundrel was Biden’s deceased son. These facts are all known to every Democrat, but still the Democrats elected a man whose mind suffers from dementia, now speaks incoherently, and follows his worthless almost 50 years in our. United States Senate. As a Senator, Joe Biden regularly tried to demean our Nation, now he leads it. Where in hell is justice?

  12. Nancy Portia Barberis

    wanted poster for Hunter’s confessions and whistleblowers

  13. Michael S Dowling

    If you didn’t know that already. Who do you think got king biden in the senate…also guess where those truckload of found votes came from… wink wink.. alltohailwithkingbidenandsonofabeach

  14. GI Bride

    Is this true. If so where is the media on reporting this.
    Where is the FBI & the CIA.
    How about our congress.
    Yes we also know we have congress reps. who have been either bribed or slept with the honey pots those on or are still on very classified committees.
    Before he was murdered JFK asked the Edgar J Hoover to investigate Polosi’s Father & his association with the MOB, But JFK was murder shortly after that. Could the Mob have been involved. Maybe. But we will never know.
    So this would not be the first time that the mob have access to high level government officials or their family members,
    Remember the all Mighty $$$$ rule supreme

  15. Dina Boyd

    What is going on in the FBI, DOJ…
    Academia, big tech, most schools are socialist & not teaching but indoctrinating & dumbing up classes, Same for most colleges except I think their communist. We need them out & an individual audit of why they only work for Dems. Investigate them all. The corruption just trickles down.
    Obama, Biden Family, Hillary redo trial.OMG! & the Dems want a socialist or communist America.
    All the liberals watch fake news only.
    Biden has done permanent damage with EO & pushing their radical agenda. Breaking the constitution rights. Why don’t blacks know republicans fought to stop slavery?
    Training our military in systemic racism & domestic extremist (republicans).
    Soros funds BLM. Soros funds judges, if you go to court with a minimal crime they send you to prison, but if you BLM or Antifa your held with bond & K. Harris makes sure their bailed out, just like other criminals that should be in prison. Defunding police- No one wants that except Biden & the rest of them. This is lunacy.
    Soros is Jewish & at the beginning of the nazi attacking Jews, Soros stayed as the Godson his father new. He was a teenager & when asked it any of it bothered him, he said “Not a bit”. He’s evil & should be charged with the atrocities done to the Jewish people. God bless us all. God bless President Trump an extraordinary person with the best character I’ve seen. God bless America. Amen

  16. Florence

    And they call the GOP Hitler and Natzy,s. They all need to go to jail. Or line them up and shoot them down. I am so sick of all these people not taking care of this country and the American people, only the slugs that are trying to come in here for free, when we all have worked are buds off, and they think they should get it for free.

  17. John Adkins

    I watch what is happening to a beautiful country the USA from Australia and weep. When is someone going to move to impeach Joe Biden, send to trial Obama for what he did in Libya, jail the Clinton’s over Russiagate and please drain the Capital swamp of the Democrats???

  18. Rosita Welcker

    I can’t UNDERSTAND how can be president from.the United States so a man like Biden?? and demócrata party is a shit too !! Please save YOUR COUNTRY!!

  19. Dicky

    He should be locked up the worthless POS!

  20. Dennis


  21. Charles Wade

    ditto dennis

  22. Judy

    Agree. Term limits. Voter I.D.

  23. Judy

    Biden should be impeached. His job is to keep this country safe. His disgusting open border has compromised seriously the safety of this vountry: drugs that kill; not vetted illegals, and the secrecy of distributing these illegals…you can be sure the lack of transparency has everything to do with voting.

    Please. Take time to read Alinsky, the 8 steps to destroy your country and you will identify all you hear and see today. Or ask Hillary who championed him when attending Wellesley

  24. Ken Frazier

    I’m an 84 -year- old young army veteran called into service because of the Berlin crisis by President Kennedy many years ago. I have seen and observed many of our presidents over many years, but I have never seen a president that is doing his damness’ to destroy our nation as this one. President Biden his son Hunter, and for that matter the entire democratic party are nothing more than traditors to our nation and should be treated as such. The bringing in un-welcome people into our nation and spreading them throughout the country is un-lawful and should be a crime with itself. Biden and the rest of those responsible for this act should be charge for treason and forced out of this country.

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