The US Military Lost its Identity

The US military is losing its identity… 

They’re more concerned about being “woke” to racial injustice. Their attention is on diversifying ranks than promoting proper military training and weaponry. And it’s not helping at all. 

On the other hand, the Chinese military prepares for war. We’re seeing them build more than a hundred missile silos out in the Western Chinese desert. Russia also shows signs of increasing military power through weaponry and strict training.

The US military is not focused on strengthening its forces… but it concentrates on critical race theory and diversifying. This lack of readiness is a BIG disadvantage for us when our nation’s enemies are steadily increasing their fighting power.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz disagrees with what the military is doing right now. He showed his disappointment in a Tweet when he saw the US Army’s disastrous recruiting ad.

The video is an animated clip of a female soldier raised by two mothers. She decides to join the US army. 

It’s a video that revolves around women-empowerment in the military. It became viral with over 3 million views. 

But the overwhelming amount of dislikes shows that even US citizens hate what the military is doing right now…

The “woke” military that we have today won’t be adequate to carry out its two primary purposes, which are:

  • To serve as a deterrent to war
  • To win battles and protect American citizens

From the looks of it, the US military isn’t fulfilling any of these obligations right now. They’re losing focus on their actual goal.

We never saw the Chinese or Russian military worry about flight suits or special uniforms for pregnant women like we did last year. 

Our laws already protect all citizens from any prejudicial treatment from race, color, and religion. Adding a ‘‘woke’’ policy into our outstanding military organization is only weakening the US military ranks.

If hostilities were to break out between countries… then our military could find itself outnumbered, outgunned, and unprepared.

Focusing on critical race theory over military theory won’t make our defenses stronger. And Biden’s reputation for being soft on China and Russia doesn’t help either.

US Navy leaders are also failing to “promote surface ship warfighting in a meaningful way.” There was an unnamed active-duty black female lieutenant who shared her thoughts. She’s also troubled over the military’s emphasis on diversity training.

She said in an interview, “Sometimes I think we care more about whether we have enough diverse officers than if we’ll survive a fight with the Chinese navy. It’s criminal. They think my only value is as a black woman. But you cut our ship open with a missile and we’ll all bleed the same color.” 

“Wokeness” only makes the US military soft… unfortunately rendering them ineffective as a military force. Sooner or later, they won’t be able to deal with threats that might come for our country.

The US military’s challenge needs to reverse this current “woke” mentality that infected them. They need to wake up and know that our military powers are falling behind…

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12 Thoughts to “The US Military Lost its Identity”

  1. Robert E. Altee

    I am a retired Air Force pilot, 86 years old, and still very much alive after fighting in combat during three major conflicts with the enemies of the USA. Our armed forces reached a peak in the 1960s through 1970. Until I retired in the mid-1970s, the USA had only lost one war, and that was in Vietnam. We won every damned battle, but our politicians lost the war for us. We were once regarded by the entire world as a powerful nation, promoting peace but ready to use force to bring about peace. Biden and his team of advisors, speech writers, and far left news people are bringing our Nation down to a level where no country will ever believe what we promise them. Many countries now avoid true friendship with the USA – thanks to Biden and his communist-inspired team. To think hundreds of thousands of men and women, like me, risked their lives for so many Democrats. It is disgusting.

  2. Bert Shaw

    Correction the Vietnam War was lost in Washington DC As a former U.S. Marine and veteran 67 68 in Nam we lost very few firefights it was a BULLS–T war by and for the Corp. globalist and the Military Industrial Complex for MONEY and POWER not unlike the government today they need too be STOPPED or there’s no more AMERICA

  3. Madge

    Arrest the entire democratic socialist communist party, lead by pelosi handcuffed, leading them all into a cell, awaiting a firing squad.

  4. George kizer

    It’s very disturbing, their destroying everything that stands for the American people of our country and don’t mater what color we are we,re all going to pay the same people have to wake up and come together as one nation under God and sir thank you for you service God bless us all

  5. Sandra

    The real enemy is hidden, has a new face and they are destroying America from within.

  6. Colleen

    The commies in Washington are the one who need to be stopped. They ARE destroying this country with all the BS they spew from CRT to our military and the crap they spew about diversity. I want strong powerful people in the ranks to defend us from the inside and out. Joe is selling us down the river because he and his ilk have so very much to hide.

  7. John Grychak


  8. Olen Frazier


  9. RC

    Like many others I served during the late great war. We had discipline and either obeyed orders and commands or we were in a heap of trouble. i was Navy but talked to a lot of Marines and quickly learned they had it much tougher than we did. Their D.I.s were tough. The Marines hated them but respected them. Now, I’ve talked to young me who recently served. From what I’ve been told, they’re issued a card in boot camp and if they don’t like the way their Company Commander or Drill instructor talks to them they just hold up the card and are given time out like a kindergartner. What the hell ever happened to extra duty and punishment? Instead of military organizations we now seem to have social clubs. They’re supposed to be in training to do very unpleasant jobs under unpleasant conditions and should be trained in that manner.

  10. Larry E Smith

    We all knew sooner or later it had to happen and that’s Biden and the democrats sticking their noses where they don’t belong. If our military start infighting our nation will not last. Get the WOKNESS out of our military before it’s too late. Tell Biden and his cronies to shut the H-ll up and leave the military alone.

  11. Donald

    The vast majority of the men and women in the armed forces are as dedicated as ever. They are also dispirited by their own leadership as well as politicians. The whole woke thing is a mosquito bight compared to demoralizing and immoral acts of the President and the military leaders who went along with the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. After 20 years, the cost in lives, injuries and mental health, the moral effect of leaving so many Anericans and allies behind (we don’t do that), leaving $85 billion in arms and munitions behind (unheard of in military history) and leaving a prison full of terrorist prisoners to be released and rejoin the terrorist (insane act), the men and women who serve and protect us have to wonder what insanity caused this. The military along with the rest of us wonder not only how this could happen, but why are the people responsible for these treasons, both governmental and military, not being brought to justice?

  12. Sean Rickman

    This country as a whole is losing its identity,we are not the same prosperous country as when Trump was President.We have become a country of whimps coerced by the wealthy,mostly libers.

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